It is clear that Herman Cain is the subject of a feeding frenzy by the main stream media.  The same media that totally ignored all the Obama scandals went into overdrive to cover this story.  It is a huge double standard, particularly when the same media downplayed the Clinton sex scandals and, more recently, the John Edwards’ scandal. 

 It is tempting to just dismiss the allegations as a liberal witch hunt.  A lot of people are sick and tired of the overwhelming bias by the main stream media.  But, just because you don’t like the way the main stream media is gloating over this story doesn’t mean they have their facts wrong.  In this case, there are more and more details emerging that have the ugly odor of truth.   In addition, Cain has done an extremely poor job of handling this.  He should have given a carefully written statement about saying things that were obviously misinterpreted and apologize to anyone he may have offended.  People like him and would prefer to cut him some slack.  But instead of doing that, Cain foolishly attacked the Perry campaign with absolutely zero evidence to support that allegation.  Then he said the women making these accusations were liars and the charges had no merit.  As a result, these women who would have been glad to just let this slide are now very likely to go public to defend their personal honor.  It is a battle that Cain did not need and one he cannot win.  Politico advised the Cain campaign that they were going to run the story several days in advance.  It is unbelievable that they were so unprepared to handle this.

In addition, it is important to remember that the reason the main stream media covers these types of scandals more for conservatives than for liberals is that it matters more.  Liberals did not care that Bill Clinton was obviously guilty of sexual harassment.  Ultimately, the Democrats in the United States Senate decided that staying in power was more important than the personal integrity of the Presidency.  They basically admitted that he committed perjury, but convinced themselves it didn’t matter because it was just about sex.  They flat out ignored the obvious sexual harassment involved in the Monica Lewinsky incident.  But, Bill Clinton would not have survived as President if he had been a Republican.  Not because of opposition from Democrats, but rather because Republicans themselves would not have tolerated his behavior.

This story could very likely end up hurting Herman Cain’s presidential campaign, if not ending it all together.  The bias in the main stream media has seldom been more obvious and more destructive.  But Republicans need to avoid falling into the conditional morality trap.  The bias and over enthusiastic reporting by the main stream media should not matter.  What should matter is the truth.  We must not allow the main stream media to destroy a candidate with false and inflammatory charges.  We should have held them more accountable for the “Bush lied; people died” misrepresentations.  But we must also avoid tolerating intolerable behavior just because we find the messenger to be disgusting.  There is a distinct possibility that Mr. Cain has a pattern of behavior that is not, and should not, be acceptable. 

In my opinion, the worst possible outcome would be for Republicans to decide that personal morality and ethical behavior doesn’t matter after all.  If Herman Cain is to win the Republican nomination, it must be because he is the best person for the job.  The worst possible reason to choose a candidate for President would be because of a knee jerk backlash in response to the unfair coverage by the main stream media.   If that happens: what distinguishes us from Democrats?


2 thoughts on “THE CAIN MUTINY

  1. I’m not sure Cain is electable anyway, even tho he’s probably qualified. Certainly more qualified than what we have. I still like Perry and Gingrich.

  2. Now I see, Terry, after reading your general rebuttal. You are correct. There is no excuse for inappropriate behavior. But I have experience and learned (the hard way) what corporate protocol in this matter is handled, especially when false accusations have been levied against you. When you have refuted those charges and they were found to be incorrect (again, speaking from experience), you are removed from the official NDA process, without knowing what, when, who, or where. The political arena is a dirty business and each of us has our preferred choice, no question. So, it will be a moot point to attempt to argue my case any further since there are still those who deem that no matter how successful you are, how much education you have, how much intellect you have, it doesn’t compare nor matches anywhere close to those in the know, the establishment. You will always be a labeled commodity that you are essentially not good enough to do the job. So, Governor Perry it is. I witnessed first-hand Texas politics during his reign when certain issues were heavily debated and questioned by residence who lived there much longer than I, while sojourning in the state preparing to apply to Cox School of Business. Yes sir, a game changer, if I recall correctly. We are all so depraved, and the most difficult part is discerning who in all the chaos and madness truly respect you as a man, a human being, and not some poor soul who by the grace of “man (and not God)” was set free to enjoy the fruits of this great land. How disappointing for those who continue to believe this very message. I am in big trouble in this state, a place I am making my home, if my haunches are correct, in accordance to my long-winded draft to you a few weeks ago. For the sake of not becoming another statistic, I hope that I am wrong before my crucible occurs after graduating from my MBA program next year. I guess my reference request sent to you via LinkedIn will fall under the category of a pipe dream, after reading your comments. Boy, boy, you live and learn and I am surely receiving my fill without question right now as I write this. Wow! What a rebuttal, man! God help us all!

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