The situation in Syria is a hot mess. This is not exactly new. The Old Testament is full of references to conflicts with Syria. Syria was part of the Roman Empire from abut 64 BC to 636 AD. Then it was ruled by the Ottoman Empire Turks from 1516 to 1916. The French took over in 1916 and Syria became “independent” in 1946. The United Arab Republic, when Syria and Egypt united, ended in 1970 when President Hafez al-Assad took over as dictator. His son, Bashar al-Assad took over in 2000 when Hafez died. There has been a civil war in Syria since 2011. Now Bashar al-Assad is gone and is living in Moscow.

Anyone expecting Syria to become a tranquil peaceful place is ignoring history. But if you want to know what to expect, just read how this was described by Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, the leader of the main group HTS, formerly an al Qaeda affiliate: “victory for the entire Islamic nation.”  The United States has been bombing ISIS targets and Israel has moved troops across the border. Germany and Austria have paused asylum applications for Syrians. Germany is also offering free rides to any of the million or so Syrian refugees who want to go home. Some have suggested chartering planes and giving people $1,060 to help them make the transition.

Few things are more certain than that Joe Biden will get this wrong. He has been wrong on every major foreign policy decision for 50 years. Jake Sullivan said former terrorist groups are saying all the right things. “We’re going to work with all the groups in Syria, and as President Biden said yesterday, the rebel groups, including the ones that have been designated as terrorist groups, have actually said all the right things. Now the question is, what will they do to try to bring about a better Syria,

If you want to see what this looks like, check out how brilliantly Jimmy Carter managed things with Iran. Sullivant went on to say that people who “We’re prepared to work with anyone in Syria who wants a stable, inclusive democratic future for that country,” Right!  That’ll happen.

If you buy this, go back, and re-read the remarks by Abu Mohammed al-Jolani. Democracy in this region usually means an Islamic dictatorship. The only real democracy in the Middle East is Israel. That is not an accident. Lebanon is sometimes considered to be a democracy. But if you speak out against the religion leaders, make sure your life insurance is current.

The sad truth is that Syria is destined to become a Muslim Theocracy and the only real dispute is which version of Islam will be in control. Someone will win and kill everyone else. The winner is extremely unlikely to be our friend and absolute certain to never consider being friends with Israel.

At best the new leaders may agree, temporarily, to stop preaching death to Israel, but that hasn’t lasted for about six thousand years and won’t last now.

There is no doubt that Bashar al-Assad was a bad guy who kept power through brute force. Kinda like the Shah of Iran operated before Carter talking him making Iran paradise on earth. So, if you want my prediction, Syria will become like Iran. The best option is for the U.S. and Israel is for Iran and Syria to fight harder against each other than against us.  Bashar al-Assad was a devil, but better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. Welcome to the devil you don’t. Once again, the devil will be in the details.



The Democrat Party and its supporters in the MSM are going through the four stages of grief. Denial, Anger, Depression, Acceptance. The first stage is denial. Neither the members of the Democrat party nor it supporters in the MSM could convince themselves to recognize what was increasingly obvious. Joe Biden was a serial liar. He lied about almost everything. Yet, they somehow convinced themselves that he would not pardon Hunter Biden. Many people went on record commending him for standing up for the rule of and describing this as the major difference between Biden and Trump. Oops. Videos of these people saying this over and over again have gone viral. This is beyond embarrassing, it approaches humiliation.

Recently at least some members of the Democrat Party have come to an understanding that is remarkably similar to the moto of this website. “What is obviously true, is obviously true.” That actually dates back to Scottish philosophy, which decided that one can over think things to the point where they reach conclusions that are obviously not true. Philosophy, no matter how eloquent, is not a substitute for what is obviously true. The Democrat Party became confused over fundamental issues like whether or not there is a biological difference between males and females. Recently at least some of the usual suspects have come to realize that many of the conclusions driving Democrat Party policies were not only wrong but they were also absurd.

What the pardon of Hunter Biden accomplished was that it moved at least some people from the denial stage to the anger stage. We can already see that starting to play out. The next step will be depression, when they realize how much has been lost because of following people based on incredibly stupid assumptions.

I do not know how long the depression stage will last. At some point, someone much wiser and smarter than the current class of clowns will seize the day and develop a strategy to resurrect the Democrat Party from the scrap heap of history. That is when the Democrat Party will reach the final and most necessary stage of acceptance.  When you think about it, that is exactly the role Donald Trump has played for the Republican Party and ultimately, the country itself.

In the meantime, the Democrat Party is in full self-destruct mode. Based on the damage they caused while in power, I would refer to this as “Good Grief.”



President Joe Biden pardoned his son Hunter, for anything he may have done over the last ten years. It should be noted that Hunter has only been tried and convicted of tax evasion and gun charges. So clearly this pardon is designed to protect Hunter from additional crimes not yet publicly disclosed or even investigated, some of which allegedly involve actions taken by Joe Biden.

The problems are so obvious that even the left-wing networks are concerned. In addition, the timing of this is suspect. Why now? Why not just before leaving the office?

Something is happening that made the need for a pardon urgent. Hunter’s pending sentencing would seem to qualify, but odds are his lawyers could have gotten, another, delay. Some have speculated that Joe Biden is planning on resigning early and that might be the reason. That seems unlikely for two reasons. One is that Joe Biden is angry at Kamala Harris and it seems unlikely he wants her to become President, even for a few days. He should also be deeply concerned over the amount of damage she could do to the country.

This leads one to conclude that something else is going on. Perhaps Joe Biden got an offer he couldn’t afford to turn down. For example, what if Hunter Biden sent a message saying he couldn’t do jail time and if necessary, he would start singing like a canary.

Another may be Joe Biden’s deteriorating mental health. Joe Biden’s mental decline is becoming more evident at every public appearance. There is risk that he will lose the ability to pardon anyone.

Under Section 4 of the 25th Amendment, if the Vice President and a majority of the cabinet transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House a written declaration that Joe Biden is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, then Kamala Harris would immediately become Acting President.

This would only change if Joe Biden were to give a written declaration that no inability exists. Then Kamala Harris and the cabinet would have four days to transmit another written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. At that point, congress would have to assemble with 48 hours. Congress would then have 21 days to vote on the issue. It would require a two thirds vote by both the House and the Senate to remove the President.

Obviously, this would make it much more difficult for Joe Biden to pardon his son or anyone else. It would also make issuing such a pardon subject to legal review.

All of this seems bizarre and ridiculous but watching Joe Biden pretend to be President of the United States is already bizarre and ridiculous. It is also difficult to believe that Kamala Harris has much, if any, support by the cabinet.

Marmion: Canto VI. – The Battle by Sir Walter Scott – Famous poems, famous poets. – All Poetry

Oh, what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!

Pardon me if I am not impressed.



We have two miniature schnauzers. One is named “Becky Jo”, after my wife’s sister. Becky Jo is now eight years old. She is at that delightful age where she can be trusted to remain home alone without risk of finding unwanted surprises when we come home. She only chews on her toys and like most dogs, spends most of her time sleeping.

When we first moved to Florida in 2022, I learned that Becky Jo is a Republican. Every night I take Becky Jo for her “poop walk.” She delivers the goods and I pick up the hazardous waste output. She is very predictable and always pooped in the same yard. But one night, that changed. She held her output for an additional two yards, then went and pooped under a Charlie Crist for Governor sign. I laughed and considered the options.  Should I leave it there, or should I do the Christian thing and clean it up. Then I waivered between taking a picture, but decided to just remove the evidence.

The next night, Becky Jo walked a little farther before depositing her output under a Val Demings for Senate sign. This time I had trouble controlling the laughter, but cleaned it up as any responsible Republican often assigned the task of cleaning up after Democrats.

When Becky Jo got home, my wife and I praised her for her astute political awareness and gave her an extra treat. I am not sure she understood exactly what was happening, but she was definitely pleased with the reward.

Now we have another miniature Schnauzer who is named “Allie”, short for “Alligator Bait”. We bought her after spotting a “Miniature Schnauzer for Sale” sign. She is definitely a real Miniature Schnauzer, but unlike most other Schnauzers she has a tail. I suspect the previous owner was unwilling to pay to have her tail bobbed. We actually like her tail and her other nickname is “Swat” for “Schnauzer with a tail.”  She is very spirited and stubborn. It took considerable effort to train her to deposit her hazardous waste outdoors. She absolutely cannot be trusted alone, as she will chew on anything and everything. She is extremely cute and a lot of fun. But I recently learned, sadly, that she may be a Democrat. It took me some time to figure this out. When I take Allie out to deposit either the wet stuff or the fertilizer, she usually does this in our front yard. Then she obediently deposits the more serious disposal in the side yard. But recently, she does something else. Shortly after she makes her deposit, she moves several feet away and then claws with her hind feet in a feeble attempt to cover up her output. This of course never accomplishes anything. Like a good daddy, I am responsible to perform the required hazardous waste removal required.

Now, I can no longer ignore the sad reality. My dog is a Democrat. Her primary mission in life, when outdoors, is to deposit stinky fluid and hazardous waste all over the place depending on me, the Republican Dad, to perform the cleanup.

I recently watched Kamala Harris give what she probably thought was an uplifting message following her humiliating defeat last month. She looked awful and sounded drunk. The next day she gave her Thanksgiving message, wearing the same outfit. Meanwhile Democrat fat cat donors are furious at how she managed to spend over $1.5 billion of their dollars to accomplish less than nothing. The MSM networks who lied to the American people about Donald Trump, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for years have been exposed. The only people who still watch are getting increasingly angry if these people even attempt to report truthfully.

Yup. It’s official. Allie is a Democrat. But she is just a puppy, barely a year old. She will mature with age. Hopefully at some point, she may even be trusted to be alone. In the meantime, she is fun to watch and like other Democrats, we have learned to cleanup after her deposits.



Matt Gaetz withdrew from consideration to be the next Attorney General. Sadly, this was predictable because of the ethics committee investigation of him. I doubt that he was guilty of a crime, but he clearly was guilty of some very poor personal decisions. Once again, the MSM missed this one big time.

The following article from the USA Today, published today at 3:39 p.m. listed the following as the top candidates for Attorney General.

The top choices were Todd Blanche, Mike Lee, Ken Paxton, and  Kash Patel. One suspects that the candidates proposed by USA Today were the people they “hoped” Trump would nominate.  Who knows? USA Today has not exactly been very accurate in predicting anything recently. But Trump chose Pam Bondi, and that choice went off like a bomb. She clearly has the necessary experience, with 18 years as a prosecutor and 8 years as Attorney General of Florida. Unlike Matt Gaetz, she will be confirmed in a walk.

That sound you hear is of people like Christopher Wray throwing up. If you thought Matt Gaetz was going to tear up the establishment at the FBI, well stand by for the atomic Bondi. The difference is that she has a lot more pertinent experience without the baggage. My hunch is that a lot of Democrats are wishing they could somehow turn back the clock and get Matt Gaetz back. Even if he had been confirmed, which seems unlikely, there would have been unified opposition to him. That is going to be a lot harder with Bondi.

This is such an obviously great choice that one wonders if this wasn’t Trump’s plan from the start. Trump had to know that Matt Gaetz was a long shot. The ethics investigation was hanging over Gaetz’s head, with or without this Attorney General nomination. This gave Gaetz the opportunity to resign from congress and end the ethics committee investigation. Now that he has resigned from congress it is questionable as to whether they can legally do release any information.

MSNBC, which is close to disappearing, finally got something right.

College professor and MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson warned that President-Elect Donald Trump’s new pick to lead the Justice Department should spark “fear” among the left because she could actually execute his agenda.

Of course this person is concerned that Pam Bondi:  “ushers in an authoritarian type of presidency that affects the fundamental rights of American citizens,” 

Close, but no cigar. She will transform the DOJ and the FBI back to what was always intended. A competent law enforcement agency, not focused on political correctness or in the case of the Biden Administration, weaponization of the justice system. Nothing scares the liberal left more. Hold on to your seat belts, we are in for a ride.



Many of us, who actually listened to other people and paid attention to the real polls were not surprised by Donald Trump’s landslide victory. The only question was whether Democrats would be able to steal enough votes to overcome the obvious challenges. But many people in the MSM and the Democrat Party were delusional until the bitter end. They knew Kamala was a joke, but they couldn’t grasp the concept of people actually voting for Donald Trump. There were very wrong. Trump won by a margin that cannot be safely ignored. People voted for change and change is already here.

It was amazing to watch the look on the faces of the MSM anchors when they were forced to acknowledge that Donald Trump had won. There are four stages of grief. “Denial, Anger, Depression, and finally Acceptance. Many of the usual suspects are flipflopping between the first three, but only a few have even considered acceptance. But acceptance would require acknowledgment of reality, something the far-left shows zero signs of achieving.

The MSM anchors are still taking heads, but a lot fewer people are listening. Some people have already been fired. Others are on the precipice.  No one is optimistic about the future. Soon and very soon, we won’t even recognize the new MSM. The people who really count, the people who have money, watched $2.5 billion just circle the drain and disappear. That is a mistake they are very unlikely to repeat.

Topics have suddenly been erased from the national vocabulary. Like “Jan 6th” or “Insurrection”, or Trump’s big lie about the 2020 election being stolen. All of these are gone, gone girl. People just didn’t buy the January 6h insurrection myth. Now Democrats are trying, and failing, to explain why 15 million people who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 suddenly disappeared.

No one is asking Kamala Harris how she feels about anything. Less than no one is talking to Tim Walz. Joe Biden smiled as he welcomed Trump back home, then left for a trip to the rainforest in Brazil. Kamala is vacationing in Hawaii.

Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough crawled on their knees to Mar-a-Logo to kiss the ring. Incredibly the fascist dictator they warned us about greeted them with graciousness. They are the first in a long line of people who have figured out something important. If you take a shot at the King, and you miss, anything other than groveling is akin to committing suicide. But there’s a problem. No one who liked Trump every watched their silly show. The few die-hards who were still tuning in, tuned out when it became obvious that everything they said for the past seven years has been a lie.


Meanwhile Trump is focused on keeping his promises and delivering results. This time, he knows where the bodies are buried. He knows who he can trust and more importantly he knows who he cannot trust. He refuses to be distracted by those unwilling to be part of the solution. Change is coming. It is coming faster than a hurricane. Wise people go with the flow or start seeking shelter.

When you spend $2.5 billion trying to convince people that Donald Trump is Adolph Hitler, and they just ignore you and vote for him anyway, you are done. Even those who are disappointed that Trump won are even more disappointed in you. They don’t believe you anymore and that will never change. Your influence on this world has been shredded and the only option available is to weep. But no one is interested in shredded weep.



Perhaps the silliest speech in the history of the U.S. Senate was given by Chuck Schumer who begged Republicans to not “give up on bipartisanship.” The reality is that Democrats have ignored bipartisanship for a long time. When George H. W. Bush became President, he famously promised no new taxes. Democrats demanded hikes in gas taxes and other taxes in exchange for spending cuts. Ultimately, breaking this promise resulted in the election of Bill Clinton.

Democrats have forgotten and the MSM ignores the inconvenient fact that neither President John F. Kennedy, nor Lyndon B. Johnson could have passed their civil right legislation without Republican support. It was Everett Dirksen, who helped write and pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Civil Rights Act of 1968. It was southern Democrats who fought this tooth and nail and even filibustered to try and stop it. Incredibly the MSM gave all the credit to the Democrats who fought Civil Rights and falsely portrayed Republicans as racists. A misperception that continues to this day.

Historically, whenever there was a new President, there was a bi-partisan agreement to let him govern. This was often called the honeymoon period. Traditionally former Presidents refused to criticize their replacement, at least publicly. Bill Clinton broke that tradition. George W. Bush reinstated it. Barack Obama never considered it. Instead, he did everything possible to sabotage Donald Trump before he took office and weaponized the DOJ and the Intelligence communities to continue this sabotage throughout the Trump Presidency. Democrats even impeached him, twice. Key members of the intelligence committee lied about Russian collusion and they collaborated with the MSM to hide the Hunter Biden laptop. If the American public knew the truth about Hunter Biden, Joe would have lost in a landslide.

During the entire Trump Presidency Democrats never consider cooperating with him on anything. Instead, they would hold the annual budget hostage until stupid Republicans gave in to Democratic demands, for the greater good. This happened time after time, Republicans would try to collaborate with Democrats on bi-partisan issues, but Democrats ALWAYS refused to bargain. Republican’s predictably caved. This is one reason Matt Gaetz was so angry with Kevin McCarthy. It was why the gang of eight voted to remove him as Speaker of the House. It is why it took so long for Republicans to agree on Mike Johnson. Mike Johnson also surrendered to Democrats to get critical spending bills passed. But it is now clear, with a Republican majority in the House and the Senate that it is no longer necessary to surrender to those who believe that bipartisanship means giving them what they want, without regard to the impact on the country. Now the only compromise necessary is with a handful of RINO Senators. Mitch Romney is gone. With a three-vote majority, and a Vice President J.D. Vance who can break any ties, the ability of these RINOs to surrender has diminished greatly.

Donald Trump has learned his lesson. He is not interested in cooperating  with those who never considered cooperating with him. This country has paid an extremely high price because of RINO Republicans who foolishly thought there was merit in compromising with the unacceptable. As Barry Goldwater said: “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.”

The speed at which Trump is assembling his cabinet and his decision to avoid members of the Washington establishment shows that we are entering a new era of bye partisanship. That is a good thing. It is about time.



When I saw that Pete Hegseth had been nominated as Secretary of Defense, I thought it was a joke. When I told this to my wife, she laughed. Then we learned that this is accurate. Like many people the only thing we knew about Pete Hegseth was watching him on Fox News. But five minutes of research shows that he has a degree from both Princeton and Harvard. He also had the rank of Major in the Army National Guard and has significant combat experience. In addition, he wrote a book about the problems with a woke military. Suddenly it became obvious that Pete Hegseth might just be the best possible choice for Secretary of Defense.

This was followed by the nomination of Matt Gaetz to be Attorney General. The Senate has not refused to confirm a cabinet appointment since 1989, when they rejected John Tower. Tower had a reputation for heavy drinking and womanizing. I will be shocked if Matt Gaetz becomes Attorney General. Gaetz is not stupid, so he knows this. He instantly resigned from congress, which conveniently stopped the Ethics Committee report. In the meantime, Trump has appointed several people that are causing heartburn among Democrats and anxiety among at least some Republicans. For example, Tulsi Gabbard for DNI and Robert Kennedy Jr. for HHS secretary. RINO Republicans can’t just reject all of Trump’s nominations, so perhaps Matt Gaetz is a sacrificial lamb. If they reject him, it will be much harder to make a case for rejecting all the others.

One thing is certain, Trump learned his lesson last time, when he appointed people with strong support from the Washington Establishment, but not necessarily people loyal to his plans for the U.S. Presidency. Some of them, such as John Kelly, belonged on the enemy list. Trump isn’t going to play the game this time. He is appointing people who are not part of the establishment and he is directing them to fix things. Hold on to your seat belt.

Trump won in a landslide and he has a mandate to change things. Republican Senators up for election in a couple of years would be wise to keep that in mind. In the meantime, there are reports of panic in the DOJ with people preparing to leave for greener pastures. There are also reports of the Pentagon trying to desperately distance itself from DEI programs. This reminds me of when I ran a nationwide claim department. I would identify an office with less than standard performance. So, we would send a notice that I would be arriving with my team in the near future to conduct an audit. This included a list of claim files we would be auditing. Miraculously, when I showed up in about six weeks, the audit went very smoothly because most of my concerns had been addressed and fixed. That, of course, was the whole point.

History tells us that appointments as General Officers and Admirals are political. But when war comes, these are not necessarily the people needed to achieve victory. Just ask Abe Lincoln about that. Many of our current General Officers and Admirals rose through the ranks during the Obama and Biden Administrations. Need I say more?

Trump is focused on fixing that. I don’t know or really care if Matt Gaetz becomes Attorney General. I just hope, for Pete’s sake, that this will make it more likely Hegseth is confirmed to be Secretary of Defense.



Several years ago, we attended a church with a highly active young adults group. Remember, I said “several years ago.” A new guy showed up, saying that he had recently accepted a job here and his wife would be joining him later, because she was still working in another state. He then raved about her, told us she was a former Miss America and absolutely beautiful. We all looked forward to meeting her. But when the day arrived, and she showed up at one of our parties, we discovered this nice, but very ordinary looking woman who could never be confused with a beauty queen. She must have noticed the expressions on our faces when he introduced her, because after a few moments she said: “he obviously has been telling that Miss America nonsense again.” She was not happy. Shortly after that, they divorced.

We are seeing another version of this play out on the national stage. Ever since Donald Trump came down that golden escalator in 2015, the Democrat Party, the MSM and the Washington establishment have been engaged in a full-fledged conspiracy to destroy him and portray him as this mythical, extremely dangerous monster. We were told that he constantly lied, only cared about himself, was a racist, a sexual predator, and someone who wanted to become a dictator. When he was first elected President in 2016, Democrats, the MSM and the Washington establishment conspired to make it impossible for him to govern. Not only did the negative reporting continue, but they also literally made up a ridiculous Russian influence hoax, complete with the appointment of a Special Counsel. On two occasions, Democrats in the House voted to impeach him, along with the support of every Democrat Senator and, sadly, some RINO Republican senators. Fortunately, there were not enough votes to convict him and remove him from office. When he ran for re-election and the Hunter Biden Laptop story broke, 51 former intelligence officials signed a letter saying this was “Russian misinformation.” It wasn’t, and they knew it wasn’t. But, with the help of fifteen million still unidentified Democrat voters, Joe Biden was selected to be President of the United States and, more importantly, Donald Trump was sent home in defeat.

Then for the next four years, Democrats, the Washington establishment, and the MSM conspired to trash Donald Trump and promote the glorious Biden administration. They either failed to notice or, more likely, just ignored the mental deterioration of Joe Biden, obvious to anyone paying attention. They tried to ignore the invasion on our southern border. They downplayed the skyrocketing crime statistics and even pretended that Joe Biden, who told ridiculous lies on a daily basis, was the pillar of virtue and secretly the economy was doing great.

Finally, when Joe Biden melted down mentally during the debate with Donald Trump, they realized he was a loser, so they shoved him aside and pretended that Kamala Harris was God’s new gift to humanity. They spent over a billion dollars trying to push her over the finish line. They received support from Hollywood celebrities, disgruntled former Trump officials and the usual RINO Republicans.

Incredibly, none of this worked. Trump not only won, but he also won in a landslide. He won every swing state, he won the popular vote, and no one is disputing his victory. Even Democrats are admitting he will be the next President of the United States and the country is preparing for a peaceful transfer of power.

But there is more to the story, much more. While those of us who recognized the truth supported President Trump, others who listened to the MSM and its ridiculous lies for nearly a decade were confronted with the truth. It was the MSM who was lying to them, trying to confuse them with misinformation about a mythical non-existent monster. The lights came on, the truth became undeniable and that sound you hear is people all over the country turning off CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and canceling subscriptions to the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and multiple other liberal news organizations. The owner of the Los Angeles Times fired the entire editorial staff.

The mythical MSM distorted version of reality has been permanently shattered. Mass casualty alert. It’s a beautiful thing.



Listen. That sound you hear is the nationwide weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth by the heartbroken and demoralized liberal left. The selection of Joe Biden to be President of the United States and then the appointment of Kamala Harris in the role of designated survivor awakened a sleeping giant and filled it with a terrible resolve.

Now Democrats are trying to explain why 15 million Democrats failed to vote during this election cycle. The obvious reason, to anyone paying attention, is that most of them are either dead or never existed. The 2020 election was a mess with massive mail-in votes and extremely questionable voter security. The big lie was never when Donald Trump said the 2020 election was stolen, it was pretending that 81 million people voted for Joe Biden.

This election was different. There were voter ID laws and in places other than California voting was limited to living registered voters. In California they don’t even check ID and everything is still by mail-in ballot. This is why Florida produced election results within hours and California is trying to count ballots before Thanksgiving.

But smarter, wiser people see the truth and they are quickly distancing themselves from the morons who drove the Democratic Party over the cliff. More and more of them realize that this was a systemic failure by the leaders in the Democratic Party, the MSM and the Hollywood elite. People just didn’t buy the nonsense this time. Incredibly, no one, including Kamala Harris, is even pretending that Trump didn’t win this election and win it by a landslide. Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States and change is coming.

The Republicans will control the House and the Speaker of the House is Mike Johnson, not Paul Ryan. They will also control the Senate and the new Majority Leader will NOT be Mitch McConnel. The most misogynistic President in the history of the world just chose the first female Chief of Staff, a no-nonsense individual he likes to call the Ice Queen.

Some in the MSM are concerned over changes to our intelligence agencies. Wiser heads realize that eliminating 51 people who signed a letter confirming that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian Misinformation removes a significant part of the problem.

The FBI is also concerned that heads will roll, creating the terrifying prospect of an FBI focused on fighting crime and not inventing ridiculous allegations for political purposes against Donald Trump.

The first person fired will be Alexandro Mayorkas, who was born in Cuba, with someone actually interested in Homeland Security. Someone, anyone, other than Pete Buttigieg will become the Secretary of Transportation. And, most important, someone serious will be appointed to replace Jennifer M. Granholm as Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy.

The weeping and wailing will continue for the next four years. People like Jimmy Kimmel may never overcome the heartbreak. But the majority of Americans will notice that Trump is too busy fixing things to care. Last time he was elected the establishment went on a mission to make it impossible for him to govern. He succeeded despite their best efforts. This time he is ready for them, just like Republicans were ready for this election.

As for the rest of us, take a nap, breathe easy. It will be at least three years before the threat of a liberal left government will re-emerge from the shadows. In the meantime, enjoy a new age, where the MSM at least considers reporting facts and disinformation about misinformation will be relegated to the scrapheap of history.

Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan.” JFK said this after he botched the Bay of Pigs invasion. But he was quoting Count Galeazzo Ciano, the foreign minister and son-in-law of Mussolini. Actually, Ciano said a “hundred fathers” but who’s counting. The Democrat Party just became the world’s largest orphanage. The odds of these orphans being adopted are close to zero. About Time.