A Tale of Two Cities

“ It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us”

Dickens wrote this about London and Paris, before and during the French Revolution. But his words would be an accurate description of what we see now, here in the U.S. The country is divided into two zones, one the Red Zone (RED) controlled by Republicans and the second the Blue Bye You Zone (BLUE), dominated by Democrats. RED is much larger, geographically than BLUE, but BLUE is concentrated in areas with extremely dense population. During the last election, the RED candidate won all of the swing states and won the popular vote. In previous elections, the BLUE candidate almost always won the popular vote, but not necessarily the majority in the electoral college.

In RED, it is the best of times. Trump is running the table; he has both the House, the Senate united behind him, and he has assembled an outstanding cabinet populated by people chosen for their ability to get the job done.

In BLUE it is the worst of times. People are still mourning the results of the 2024 election. They can’t grasp the concept that Trump not only won every swing state, but he also won a majority of the electoral college and he even won the popular vote. Joe Biden has gone on permanent vacation and when he does surface, briefly, no one in the MSM bothers to show up. Kamala Harris’s appearances only reinforce the conclusion that by rejecting her, America dodged a really big bullet. In BLUE, things are very bad, getting worse, and there is no leader or potential leader in sight.

For people living in RED, it is the age of wisdom. Logic and common sense have triumphed over foolishness. None one really cares if someone decides, as an adult, that they prefer to live as the opposite gender. But this does not change biological facts that there are only two sexes, something that has been more than obvious for millennium.

For people living in BLUE logic and common sense has been replaced by rage and violence. Even though 70% of people agree that there are only two genders, the “loudest” voices in BLUE continue to pretend the opposite is true. Watching someone throwing a hissy fit is fun to watch, but not actually a substitute for developing a plan of action. People are fleeing Blue for Red. Those remaining in BLUE are either angry and demoralized or wondering if the current leaders in BLUE are really this stupid.

Please living in RED believe that better days are on the way. They openly embrace people of faith. They believe that God spared Donald Trump and He also spared the country.

Please living in BLUE cannot come to grips with the undeniable fact that the majority of Americans don’t believe them and they don’t want them. The louder they scream and throw things; the more people are turned off by the public display of childishness.

In RED it is the season of light. In BLUE it is the darkest hour. In RED it is the spring of hope. In BLUE it is the winter of despair.

Charles Dickens nailed this in 1859. The American revolution led to government of the people, for the people, by the people. The French revolution led to anger and extreme violence. This did not result in peace and love, it resulted in Napolean, who became a dictator.

Lesson learned. Bet on Red.



Donald Trump spent four years dealing with a daily assault against him by the Democrat Party, its’ delusional supporters in the MSM and the secret war against Trump within the government itself. Then, when Democrats managed to put Joe Biden in the Oval Office, the assault continued. They were terrified that Trump would find a way to come back. They had to stop him at any cost. They were oblivious to the reality of Joe Biden. What they did notice they quickly shoved aside and ignored. They would not stop, they would not rest, they wouldn’t even consider letting up as long as Trump was alive, and if he were dead, they would trounce on his grave.

Trump, on the other hand, spent four years figuring out how to beat them in the next election. He also spent four years developing his plan of action to permanently remove his delusional anti-American opposition from power.

If Trump understands one thing, it is the power of money. He knows how to make it. He knows how to spend it. And he knows how much other people depend on it. As soon as he was safely elected, he started dismantling the Democrat fundraising machine. People like Zuckerberg, Gates and Bezos, who are actually smart people, quickly switched from being anti-Trump 24/7 to requesting front row seats at his inauguration. Lesson learned. Then Trump unleashed Elon Musk to take a serious look for fraud and waste in the federal bureaucracy. It is always a bad idea to question the ability of someone who literally rewrote the book on launching satellites and did the impossible by starting a new car company from scratch and dominating the industry. Musk has a way of seeing things others do not, developing a plan of action and the putting that plan into action. While most of the attention has been on the people getting fired, Musk has been doing something else. He has exposed the entire Democrat funding machine and is in the process of shutting off the flow of cash. In the meantime, Trump’s victory destroyed the credibility of ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, the Washinton Post, the New York Times and a cast of thousands. He won, they lost, and everyone knows it. All of the above have lost viewership and readership and as a result they are losing sponsors. By losing sponsors, they are losing cash.

No smart person, and most rich people are actually smart, wants to throw more money after a lost cause. Major Democrat donors have shut off the flow of funds and some are even grudgingly showing at least some admiration for Trump. The secret flow of cash from government programs focused more on making Democrats in congress rich rather than actually fixing things is drying up even faster.

Trump is also cutting the cash flow of our enemies. Canada quickly realized that if they stop buying things made in America, few people will notice or care. But if the U.S. stops buying things from Canada, their economy will be quickly and permanently shattered. The leader of Ontario, who public announced his personal trade war with Trump just folded like a cheap umbrella. So did Mexico. Numerous major corporations are announcing plans to start building things here in the U.S. again. While the liberals on MSNBC thought Americans would be hit with skyrocketing costs, that hasn’t happened. In fact, none of the dire predictions by the desperate liberal left have come true. Their credibility has been shredded close to the point of no return, possibly lower than the climate change alarmists famous for being wrong on every single prediction.

But more importantly, Trump has dismantled their entire supply chain. The liberal left had a massive supply of laundered cash at their disposal. Today, they are struggling to just pay their bills. Even George Soros is feeling the pinch, with India investigating his companies.

Perhaps the most brilliant decision by Trump was to get Elon Musk to join forces. Musk, like Trump, doesn’t need other people’s money. Imagine that. A political movement not dependent on other people’s money. What a novel concept. Whether this is the result of Trump’s brilliance or Democrat incompetence, the result is the same. Democrats have lost their cash crop, and it was the only crop available. Some people have stopped supporting Democrats solely because they lost. Some have stopped because they realized Democrats don’t really have a plan of action to fix things. What really matters is that they have stopped, leaving Democrats will almost nothing else. When cash is your only crop, and that crop fails, you fail. Regardless of how or why, Democrats are rapidly running out of cash, and that drastically reduces their ability to muck things up.

In the meantime, the smart money is betting on Trump, partially because he has earned it and partially because Democrats have proven themselves unworthy of consideration. He has turned the MAGA movement into the ultimate cash cow and failure to understand that is a recipe for disaster. The kind of disaster we are seeing played out in Democratic strong holds across the country. Cash, as always, is king, and Trump has simultaneously destroyed the Democrat cash cow machine and replaced it with one based on logic and common sense. In every sense of the word, it is the ultimate cash crop.



In 2008, Democrats thought they ruled the world. They had just elected Barack Obama, the first black President. Happy days were not only here again, but they were also destined for eternity. Then, in 2016, the unthinkable happened. Americans turned away from Hillary Clinton, destined to be the first female President, and elected, gasp, Donald J. Trump.

This happened despite a daily assault against Trump by Democrats and the MSM. It happened despite the Russia collusion hoax. It happened despite the last-minute dump of the “Access Hollywood” tape. Whether people voted for Trump, or against Hillary Clinton, the result was the same. Trump won, Hillary lost, and Democrats spent the next four years engaged in election denial. He was impeached twice. Once for pointing out the obvious problem with Joe Biden promising to withhold about $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if they didn’t fire the prosecutor, who happened to be investigating his son. No one in the MSM or in the Democrat Party found a problem with Joe, but they were outraged that Trump would dare ask Zelensky to consider investigating this. Why that would be “election interference”, something Democrats would never consider, unless they thought it would work.

Then, thanks to COVID and all mail-in voting, Joe Biden won with miraculous last- minute ballot drops. About 10 million mysterious unidentifiable people showed up in the mist to vote for Joe Biden. People in the MSM were horrified, horrified I tell you, that someone would question election integrity in places like Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta, Milwaukee or Detroit. Seriously, has there ever been the slightest hint of election fraud in any of these places? Trump should be banned for life because he dared question the results of that election. Democrats spent the next four years slamming Republicans as election deniers while the DOJ, the FBI and local prosecutors conspired to convict Trump of something, somewhere, so no one would dare vote for him. In the meantime, the MSM went into “Anti- Trump- Establishment-Terrorism” on a mission to stop the orange man once and for all. It didn’t work.

They were so focused on hating Trump that they failed to notice that Joe Biden was constantly on vacation and had trouble formulating sentences on his own. When he did speak, he told ridiculous lies about non-existent personal accomplishments. But it didn’t matter, because every time Trump spoke, he lied. Just ask the fact checkers on CNN.

Then Joe fell apart during his debate with Trump, so Democrats chose Kamala Harris to be the first black female president. They outspent Trump by $millions if not $billions. The MSM went into overtime mode trashing Trump. It still didn’t work. Trump ran the table. He not only won every swing state, he won the popular vote. This was so bad that even the most hardcore left-wing Democrat was unable to question the results.

Suddenly Democrats found themselves led by Joe Biden, who can’t be found, and Kamala Harris, who they would prefer never be found. They have no leader. They have no program. They have no solutions. So, they have resorted to screaming in outrage, hoping no one realizes they have nothing to say.  They have united the country on one thing. No one wants to see Democrats in charge ever again. Unless something changes, the Democrat Party went from the top of the hill to the scrap heap of history.

Everything moves in cycles and that means at some point, some Democrat we don’t know yet, will find a way to convince people to vote for the ridiculous again. But that may take years if not decades. In the meantime, Trump is moving at the speed of light and dismantling the federal bureaucracy in the process. Judges, appointed by Biden or Obama are trying to stop him by ignoring the law and pretending they have more authority than the President. Good luck with that. This is so ridiculous that some, but not all, of the anchors on CNN have noticed.

Democrats have been reduced to a pathetic version of “All I Have To Do Is Dream.”

“Scream, scream, scream, scream, scream, scream, scream, scream. When I want you to,  ignore your lying eyes, When I want you to, Donald Trump despise, Whatever I want to, all I can do is scream, scream, scream, scream.”

They forgot the last verse. “Only trouble is, gee whiz, I’m screaming my life away.”



I was the Risk Manager for a major corporation. As a result, there were many situations where I got to know other Risk Managers for large firms. During the late 1990’s it seemed like every Risk Manager I knew that worked for a company with large manufacturing operations was telling me about his or her company’s plans to move manufacturing overseas. It was very simple, the cost of labor was much lower and they could build things overseas, ship them back to the U.S. and save money.

I was both shocked and horrified by this development. While I understood why it was happening, it just seemed like we were shipping our future overseas. Sadly, that was one prediction that turned out to be extremely accurate. A few years ago, our daughter’s family had a Chinese exchange student live with them for a couple of weeks. He was desperate to find something “Made in America” that he could bring back to China. He had great difficulty finding anything that was not made in China.

The good news is that Donald Trump understands the problem and he is taking necessary action to fix things. One of the reasons the U.S. was so successful during World War II is that we were self-sufficient. That allowed us to become the “Arsenal of Democracy.” My parents lived through the Depression. It is hard for those who did not live through this experience to even comprehend how bad things were. My dad was the only one in his family who had a job, and as a result our family fed several other families.

One day my dad told me that the only reason the Depression ended was the start of World War II. He didn’t mean the fighting. What he meant was that for the first time in decades the United States started making things. At first, they were gearing up to help other countries and then to build up our own troops. The result was that when the war was over, the U.S. had this incredible manufacturing base. When it stopped making the instruments of war, it was ready, willing and able to produce desperately needed consumer goods.

Sadly, much of our manufacturing base was transferred overseas. This reminds me of a friend who manufactured chairs for nail salons. He had a great business model and was very successful. Then one day he learned that nail salons were purchasing chairs from China for less than it cost my friend to produce them here in the U.S. He simply could not compete. He ended up shutting down his factory and laying off all the employees.

It seems likely that similar stories were happening all over the country. We tend to think of manufacturing firms as large conglomerates such as GM and Ford. But in reality, there were smaller firms who thrived, including those who provided critical products to companies such as GM and Ford. When major companies started producing things overseas, it affected a lot of much smaller companies.

This it dawned on me that this was a risk management problem. In this case, “risk avoidance“. Companies were shifting production overseas because they could not risk being undercut by competitors. The different in cost was so massive that the cost of transporting goods from overseas back to the U.S. was no longer a factor. Trump changed all that by using tariffs. Suddenly, companies can either pay extra money for labor and production, or they can pay more money for transport and taxes. It is really that simple. Suddenly producing things in the United States makes more sense financially. Incredibly, something this simple has the potential to change the world.

Trump also made another risk management decision. During his first four years an entrenched bureaucracy was engaged full time in resisting him. They had the full cooperation of the Democrat Party and the MSM. Then when, thanks to all mail-in voting, Joe Biden was selected, in theory, to be President of the United States. Trump was given four years off to reflect on this. The solution, this time, was “loss control.” He is solving the problem of being slowed down by the entrenched bureaucracy by adopting loss-control measures.

Democrats thought they were permanently in power, but there was a problem. When Democrats are in power, they self-destruct. Despite their best efforts, they did it again. Now Trump is back, Joe is beyond irrelevant, and Trump, having learned his lesson, is purging the bureaucracy of the unelected mob who felt entitled to run everything. It is working faster and more efficiently than anyone thought possible. It is working because Trump now understands the problem. It is also working because, as Margaret Thatcher once said, “the problem with socialism is that eventually they run out of other people’s money.” It is also working because people, ready, willing and able to work for a living are sick and tired of seeing lazy arrogant people, considered immune from criticism, thrive by lusting after public handouts.

Risk management in action. Fun to watch.



Anyone remotely familiar with world history knows that both World War I and World War II were basically the results of stupidity. With regard to World War I, it all started with the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. When you think about this, it was beyond absurd. Franz Ferdinand was the heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne. He married Sophia Chotek, a lady-in-waiting which resulted in such an uproar that the marriage was only allowed on the condition that he disavowed his descendants rights to the throne. He was assassinated by 19-year-old Gavrilo Princip, who was from Bosnia. The result was that  Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia, which basically resulted in the entire world declaring war on each other. Germany declared war on Russia and France and since the United Kingdom was in an alliance with France, they got involved. Most estimates place the military dead at 10 million with 20 million wounded, plus 10 million civilian casualties.

When the war was over, the globalists formed the League of Nations, which did nothing, to prevent World War II. Hitler could have been stopped many times prior to the war, but world leaders were afraid to risk war, so they created the exact conditions that made war inevitable.  In 1939, Hitler invaded Poland, resulting in France and Great Britain declaring war on Germany, but doing absolutely nothing until Hitler ordered the invasion of Belgium, and came within inches of destroying the entire Great Britain army and ultimately tossed the French troops off the continent.

Today the same usual suspects are proposing the same kind of actions that led to World War II. The EU and Great Britain, totally incapable of stopping Russia, are pretending they are once again the defenders of democracy. Reality check, World War I only ended when the U.S. got involved and World War II only ended when the U.S. got involved. Anyone see a pattern here?

Now enter Donald Trump, from stage left, saying we can’t afford to get involved in another world war because Europe has learned nothing. He has told Russia to back off or face the consequences. He has told Ukraine to sign a peace deal or face the consequences. Fortunately, both Russia and the Ukraine appear to be listening to a combination of common sense and raw power. Russia knows it cannot get involved in a conflict with the United States. Ukraine is learning that it cannot continue to count on the U.S throwing large sums of money and equipment at the wall with no potential for solving anything.

If we are lucky, very lucky, Donald Trump will succeed in convincing both Russia and Ukraine to end this nonsense. If he succeeds, Ukraine, Russia and the entire world will benefit. The only people who will not benefit are the incredibly stupid people who believe that Joe Biden’s strategy of sending too little, too late, would somehow result in victory. The odds of that succeeding are directly proportional to  the ability of France and Great Britain to stop Hitler in 1939. Zero.

Incredibly, naïve RINO Republicans in a desperate search to become relevant are stupidly trashing Trump without considering the reality of the undeniable fact that Trump is our Commander in Chief and if we do not unite behind him, we invite disaster. Their hatred of Donald Trump transcends the reality of the last four years, where a feeble and mentally incompetent Joe Biden was vacationing in Delaware while someone, we are not sure who, was secretly acting as Commander in Chief, with disastrous results. The biggest challenge for historians will not be to identify Joe Biden’s greatest accomplishments, there are none, but rather in determining who was actually responsible for this mess.

In the meantime, Donald Trump just may prevent World War III by convincing both Ukraine and Russia that continuing this war benefits no one. Trump’s message is very clear, to anyone paying attention. You can have peace or you can have war. But if you choose war, be prepared for the consequences. While other countries can certainly hurt the U.S., the U.S. Military can and will absolutely annihilate anyone if necessary. Trump explained this to Kim Jong Un during his first term in office when he said we both have buttons, the difference is my button works.

The winds of war are heating up and we all better hope Trump wins this one because if he loses, we all lose. But fortunately, if he wins, we all win. The best war is the one never fought in the first place.



The Democrat Party always seemed to be more organized and focused than Republicans. They almost always voted in lockstep while Republicans were engaged in silly infighting. But Donald Trump changed all that. More recently Democrats are only united in hating Donald Trump. Trump Derangement Syndrome (“TDS”) is a real and potentially fatal disease that appears to have infected much of the Democrat Party.

This is now so bad that during his recent address to congress, Democrats refused to stand or applaud anything said or done by Trump. That included ignoring a 13-year-old boy, brain cancer survivor, and the mother and sister of Lakin Riley. Even worse, there were rumors that they were going to bring noise makers etc. to interrupt Trump. Pure class. Al Green, a Democrat Representative from Texas, stood up shouting and waving his cane in a failed attempt to stop Trump from speaking. He was escorted out of the room by the Sergeant of Arms and was later censured by the U.S. House of Representatives. Several other Democrat members of congress stormed out of the room and others held up silly signs. They looked ridiculous. Whether they realize it or not, this was an unnecessary public display of political suicide.

Now it is Democrats who are turning on each other and it is hard to imagine this party ever becoming unified again. One serious problem is that the current leadership is old and increasingly ineffective, and there is literally no apparent leader out there with a realistic chance of taking over. An even bigger problem is that the Democrat Party has been taken over by the extreme liberal left. When the face of your party is people like AOC, Gavin Newsom, Ilhan Omar, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, or Maxine Waters, that is a problem. When Adam Schiff was censored by the House, for deliberate lies and distortions, Democrats gathered around him and gave him a group hug. When the House censored Al Green, Democrats surrounded him singing “We Shall Over Come.” Overcome what? Donald Trump? Overcome resistance to letting biological men compete against women and girls? Overcome shutting down the U.S. border? Seriously?

Abraham Lincoln once said that: “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” 

Right now, Democrats aren’t fooling anyone other than those too filled with TDS themselves to notice or care. Incredibly these people still believe that everyone agrees with them. Actually, they believe that anyone who disagrees with them is either hopelessly stupid or incapable of moral reasoning. Not that long ago, many of these same people were furious with Christians for lecturing others on morality. It is unlikely that any of them are capable of even recognizing the irony.

Regardless of why or how, the reality is in 2024 Democrats were so filled with TDS that they chose Joe Biden to be their nominee, ignoring his blatant lies and corruption, oblivious to the damage done to the U.S. economy and international affairs, and ignoring the blatant signs of mental deterioration. He wasn’t Donald Trump and nothing else mattered. Then, when he embarrassed himself during the debate with Donald Trump, Democrats looked around and found the worst possible candidate to replace him. Who, seriously, thought that Kamala Harris was a good option?

Just think about this for a moment. Donald Trump was subject to endless attacks by the DOJ and local prosecutors desperate to convict him of something. That didn’t work. The MSM was united in trashing Donald Trump. That didn’t work. Democrats outspent him by an enormous amount during the 2024 election. That didn’t work. Trump was not only re-elected, but he also now has a majority in the House, ready, willing and able to pass his agenda. He has a majority in the Senate that has confirmed his cabinet. He hit the ground running and everyone in both parties has had trouble keeping up. He has already transformed this country and the world.

Democrats have responded by behaving like babies deprived of their pacifiers. They are embarrassing themselves and everyone except them, has been confronted with the reality of this. The result is that Democrats are now engaged in a circular firing squad, and there is no leader in sight capable of even slowing down the carnage.

In the meantime, the Trump train is barreling down the track, full speed ahead, with no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Even when he is wrong, it doesn’t matter because his opposition has reduced itself to pathetic naïve creatures throwing themselves down on the train tracks and accomplishing nothing other than a humiliating public display of self-destruction.

Everything moves in cycles and that includes American politics. In January 1992, George H.W. Bush was the most popular President in U.S. history until he got trounced by Bill Clinton less than a year later. The only thing certain is change. What goes up must come down and what is down will eventually go back up. But first, Democrats must recognize reaching the bottom before they can even hope to reverse the trend. They are not there yet, but they are getting close.

Things are so bad that it wouldn’t surprise me if someone started a new political party. A party based on logic and common sense and honesty. Honesty. Common Sense. What a novel concept.



Donald Trump put on a masterful performance last night. Democrats were hoping that he would go off the rails and embarrass himself. Actually, they were counting on that. They could not have been more wrong.

Twenty-three Democrat Senators, including Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker posted video messages using an identical script to attack Trump. It was ridiculous.

Numerous media outlets reported on this, including a lot of traditionally liberal outlets. None were impressed.

22 Dem Senators Rebuke Trump In Copy-Pasted Speech Ahead Of President’s Address To Congress

Then came the Don. Trump worked the room from the moment he entered. He was poised, charming and focused. Democrats tried to interrupt him, just as they had promised. Congressman Al Green from Texas was forcibly removed after refusing to sit down and shut up while Trump was speaking.

Rep. Al Green removed from House chamber as some Democrats ignore party guidance and seize Trump protest moments

Democrat Party leaders had urged rank-and-file members to show restraint and not mount a high-profile protest. Members were told no signs, no props and no attention-grabbing stunts that could be seized upon by the GOP.

That advice fell on deaf ears. As far as Democrats were concerned, Trump’s entire speech fell on deliberately deaf ears. Democrats sat glued to their seats, holding up silly “Bingo” cards, while pouting like kindergartners.

About those ‘bingo signs’: Strategists critique Dems’ protests during Trump’s speech | Watch

When the camera focused on Nancy Pelosi, she looked like she was having a stroke. None of the Democrats even attempted to smile. They just looked glum, impotent and irrelevant. Some appeared to be playing video games on their phones. Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Republicans were filled with joy and enthusiasm. Smiling, leaping to their feet and rejoicing in the moment.

For most of the speech Trump, Vice President J.D. Vance and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson were focused solely on the Republican side of the room. So were the TV cameras, except for brief scans of the weak, ineffective and bitter Democrats increasingly irrelevant to anything being said or done.

The result was that while Trump was scoring point after point regarding his incredible accomplishments during his first 43 days in office, he also made Democrats look like unnecessary and unwanted spectators. To make things worse, Trump challenged Democrat to act like adults when he said:

“Absolutely Nothing I can Say to make to Make Them Happy or Make Them Stand or Smile or Applaud.”

They foolishly played right into his hand. They couldn’t even bring themselves to stand for the young child with brain cancer. Then when he called out Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren for clapping about the war in Ukraine continuing, she stupidly kept clapping with this bizarre smile.

Trump was incredible last night. Democrats were incredibly bad. He has been in office for less than two months, but the Don’s early light has exposed the Democrat Party revealing an incredibly ugly scene.

Eleanor Rigby

“All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?”

They belong home, sitting in their rocking chairs, drawing pensions they didn’t earn.



The interview of Susan Rice by Nicole Wallace (MSNBC..need we say more?) showcased the real problem with the Democrat Party today. It used to be said that politics ended at the nation’s border. This was because it was mutually understood that you only had one President at a time, and it was reckless and dangerous to sabotage him when dealing with foreign adversaries.

Susan Rice on Trump-Zelensky Clash: “No Question That This Was A Setup,” “JD Vance Did That Deliberately” | Video | RealClearPolitics

The United States was sabotaged, not by Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, but rather by Susan Rice. Even if she was right, which she was not, she was wrong. At a time when the country needs to be unified behind our President, even if they don’t like the way he is handling things, she did the exact opposite. The entire purpose of her interview on MSNBC was to sabotage Trump. That borders on treason. She revealed specific details on agreements that were classified for a reason. Her security clearance and anyone like her should be revoked permanently.

Rice says this was a setup by the Trump administration. But that makes zero sense. Trump was clearly there to sign a deal with Zelenskyy that would help end the war. Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent discussed how he had traveled personally to Ukraine. Zelenskyy refused to sign the deal. Zelenskyy told Bessent he would tell the press he would sign it in Munich. Then he met with Secretary of State Rubio in Munich and didn’t sign it there either. Then he announced he was coming to Washington D.C., and he would sign it there. Instead, he tried to blackmail Trump into giving a Security Guarantee. It is important to understand exactly what that would have meant. It would have meant stationing U.S. Troops in Ukraine, with orders to attack Russia if Russia attacked Ukraine. Just imagine this. Ukraine “accidentally fires a missile into Russia.” Russia, predictably, retaliates. The U.S. military in Ukraine is required to respond.  Sound familiar? It should, because that is how World War II started.

Here is how Wikipedia describes this.

Invasion of Poland – Wikipedia

Would Zelenskyy love to have the U.S. go to war with Russia? Silly question. Should we trust him to act responsibly? Silly question. If the U.S. had major operations in Ukraine regarding rare earth minerals, would Putin be discouraged from attacking Ukraine? Silly question.

The Obama administration and the Biden/Obama Administration were disastrous at handling international affairs. Iran blossomed into the number one world-wide sponsor of terrorism on the verge of getting a nuclear weapon. Putin invaded Crimea and later Ukraine. There is no evidence they deterred anyone from doing anything.

Friday, Donald Trump stood up to Zelenskyy and the whole world noticed. Most importantly Putin noticed. Trump means what he says. What he says in private is exactly what he says publicly. Sadly, the cost of fixing the international mess left by Biden may be very expensive. But it is also very necessary. We should have learned our lesson during World War II, but we didn’t. Those who refuse to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

FDR once said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Today, unfortunately, we also have to fear Democrats, who lost an election and would rather see the United States fail rather than see Trump win. If Trump doesn’t negotiate an end to this war, who will? Biden? Obama? Susan Rice?

Susan Rice spoke out because she was terrified. Terrified that Trump would actually end this war. How awful for Ukraine. How awful for the world. To Democrats defeating Trump is all that matters, without regard to the cost. This can be described with many words, but patriotism is not on the list.



Hate is not the opposite of love. Hate and love are closely related. They both require one to be obsessed with someone else. In addition, the size of the person is directly proportional to the size of the person or thing that they hate. When someone is dominated by hate, or love, it is difficult for rational thought.

This is why Trump Derangement Syndrome (“TDS”) is so devastating to those afflicted by it. They are so obsessed with him that they are incapable of rational thought. The MSM filled with TDS is incapable of even recognizing factual information. Everything he says or does is distorted to make him appear as despicable as possible. In addition to mindlessly repeating Democrat talking points, some even parrot idiotic accusations like calling him a dictator, fascist or even a reincarnated Hitler. This has also been done by his political opponents, so obsessed with him that they couldn’t respond rationally. The result was that they were so sure everyone else would hate him too that they tried to beat him with first Joe Biden and then Kamala Harris, without recognizing the simple reality that neither of them is qualified to manage a McDonalds. No one, and I do mean no one, wishes that Kamala Harris was sitting in the Oval Office.

Ironically, TDS has resulted in Trump being almost immune to criticism, even when warranted. He is far from perfect, but the opposition to him is so perfectly awful, that even credible complaints are ignored if promulgated by the usual suspects. Mitt Romney, for example, was so filled with TDS that he even voted to impeach him and remove him from office. That resulted, not in the destruction of Donald Trump, but rather the end of Mitt Romney’s political career.

All of the MSM outlets that focused 24/7 on TDS are shredding viewers and losing money. Even the rich liberals who want to support them are tired of losing money and credibility. TDS is expensive.

Ironically, the result is that today we have possibly the most powerful President in history. He has surrounded himself with people chosen for their competence and their commitment to his agenda. The world is literally flocking to the White House to publicly kiss his ring. Even King Charles just sent him a personal, handwritten invitation for a State visit to Great Britain. The people inflicted with TDS must be writhing in pain.

Everyone who has paid any attention knows that the federal bureaucracy is out of control. It is obvious that at least some federal workers are doing close to nothing because they believed that could never be fired and could just coast along waiting for that beloved federal retirement program. The bureaucracy has had an almost unlimited amount of funds to spend on anything they wanted, and few people even noticed and certainly didn’t care.

When Trump was in office during his first term, at least some of these people deliberately sabotaged him believing that he was only the temporary occupant of the White House, while they could continue forever. He is proving them wrong.

That has all changed in a little over a month. Elon Musk is tracking down the money and he is also exposing ghost employees. The secret flow of funds to liberal Democrat politicians has dried up overnight. The Trump cabinet is firing non-productive people and replacing them with people committed to the Trump agenda. The Democrat Party has morphed into a shrinking cluster of emotionally disturbed people too obsessed with TDS to do anything other than shriek and scream nonsense.

The DOJ and the FBI are led by serious people who will pursue real criminals. Those who broke the law in a failed effort to destroy Trump may just learn this the hard way.

I wonder when, if ever, those blinded by TDS, will realize that this is EXACTLY what Trump wanted. He lives inside their heads, leaving them with little if any room for rational thought. When Trump sees this level of hate, he loves it because in his case hating him makes for perfect opponents, those most likely to lose.




Russia invaded Ukraine with predictable results. Hundreds of thousands of deaths, unimaginable damage to property and extremely high costs for everyone involved. It is easy to push all the blame on Russia. The MSM is pretending that this was a classic case of the evil dictator, Putin, trouncing on a democratic Ukraine. But, as is always the case, there is more to the story.

There is no doubt that Russia was the invader and that should never have happened. But the reason it happened is that Putin took one look at Biden, just like he did at Obama, and said now is the time. In the case of Obama, he invaded and kept Crimea. In the case of Biden, he invaded Ukraine gained valuable seaports on the Black Sea. He knew neither Obama nor Biden was a serious threat to his plans. He did not invade Ukraine when Trump was President and he has admitted he would not have done so if Trump had been re-elected.

The truth about Ukraine is a lot more complicated than what is reported on the MSM. The following article in townhall explains this well:

The Hard Truth About Ukraine

Anyone remotely familiar with Hunter and Joe Biden knows that Ukraine has been famous for fraud. This is supported by the following article in

How Deep Does Corruption Run in Ukraine?

It is noted that Ukraine has always had strong ties to Russia. While most of the people speak Ukrainian, a high percentage, over 1/3, also speak Russian. In addition, a person who speaks Ukrainian can understand Russian, but Russian have difficulty understanding Ukrainian.

Ukrainian vs Russian: How Do These Languages Differ?

The real problem here is that when Russian invaded, the U.S. and its allies did very little to change results. Granted we sent a ton of money along with gun and ammunition to Ukraine, and they fought bravely, but there was never a strategy to actually defeat Russia, and Russia threatened massive retaliation against the West if it even tried. The result was a lose-lose situation, where costs in terms of lives, money and property were enormous, but no one even predicted any result much different that the status quo. Russia occupies much of eastern Ukraine and there is little evidence that this will change anytime soon. The UN wanted to pass a resolution blaming Russia for the invasion and demanding they abandon Ukraine to the original borders. Trump was criticized for vetoing that, but in reality, it never had a chance of working. Instead, it would have created a very real potential for an escalating war possibly including nuclear weapons.

Trump comes in with a very different approach. First, he has made it clear he wants to settle this war, but he is also sending a strong message to Putin. If you want peace, you can have peace, but if you choose war, it will not be confined to Ukraine. This is nearly identical to how President Eisenhower ended the Korean war.

In addition, Trump is offering Russia a chance to rejoin the world community. In doing this he is separating the ties between China and Russia, isolating China in the process. Putin is a lot of things, but he is not stupid. He knows his life and the life of the Russian people will be much better being friends with the U.S. than being enemies. Being enemies with the U.S. is a lose-lose proposition. But being friends changes everything. This will not happen overnight, but if it works, the results would be spectacular.

It is too early to know if this will or even can work. But the rest of the world is taking notice and they are paying attention. French President Macron came to visit with Trump and said he was in communication with about 30 other leaders in Europe. Earlier Trump and Macron participated in a Group of Seven leadership call. The bottom line is that Macron told Trump the European nations will do their part in Ukraine. Perhaps the most interesting comment from Macron was this: “You can’t be weak in the face of President [Vldamir] Putin. It’s not you, it’s not your trademark, it’s not in your interest. How can you then be credible in the face of China if you’re weak in the face of Putin?”

The bottom line is we are watching a game of Russian Roulette with unbelievable consequences. We all better pray Trump gets this right. But if he does, this actually has the potential to make this a safer world for everyone.