A Tale of Two Cities
“ It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us”
Dickens wrote this about London and Paris, before and during the French Revolution. But his words would be an accurate description of what we see now, here in the U.S. The country is divided into two zones, one the Red Zone (RED) controlled by Republicans and the second the Blue Bye You Zone (BLUE), dominated by Democrats. RED is much larger, geographically than BLUE, but BLUE is concentrated in areas with extremely dense population. During the last election, the RED candidate won all of the swing states and won the popular vote. In previous elections, the BLUE candidate almost always won the popular vote, but not necessarily the majority in the electoral college.
In RED, it is the best of times. Trump is running the table; he has both the House, the Senate united behind him, and he has assembled an outstanding cabinet populated by people chosen for their ability to get the job done.
In BLUE it is the worst of times. People are still mourning the results of the 2024 election. They can’t grasp the concept that Trump not only won every swing state, but he also won a majority of the electoral college and he even won the popular vote. Joe Biden has gone on permanent vacation and when he does surface, briefly, no one in the MSM bothers to show up. Kamala Harris’s appearances only reinforce the conclusion that by rejecting her, America dodged a really big bullet. In BLUE, things are very bad, getting worse, and there is no leader or potential leader in sight.
For people living in RED, it is the age of wisdom. Logic and common sense have triumphed over foolishness. None one really cares if someone decides, as an adult, that they prefer to live as the opposite gender. But this does not change biological facts that there are only two sexes, something that has been more than obvious for millennium.
For people living in BLUE logic and common sense has been replaced by rage and violence. Even though 70% of people agree that there are only two genders, the “loudest” voices in BLUE continue to pretend the opposite is true. Watching someone throwing a hissy fit is fun to watch, but not actually a substitute for developing a plan of action. People are fleeing Blue for Red. Those remaining in BLUE are either angry and demoralized or wondering if the current leaders in BLUE are really this stupid.
Please living in RED believe that better days are on the way. They openly embrace people of faith. They believe that God spared Donald Trump and He also spared the country.
Please living in BLUE cannot come to grips with the undeniable fact that the majority of Americans don’t believe them and they don’t want them. The louder they scream and throw things; the more people are turned off by the public display of childishness.
In RED it is the season of light. In BLUE it is the darkest hour. In RED it is the spring of hope. In BLUE it is the winter of despair.
Charles Dickens nailed this in 1859. The American revolution led to government of the people, for the people, by the people. The French revolution led to anger and extreme violence. This did not result in peace and love, it resulted in Napolean, who became a dictator.
Lesson learned. Bet on Red.