Just this week, Democratic pundits were all predicting that Hillary Clinton would be the next President of the United States.  She was a female, she was liberal.  Her last name was Clinton.  What could possibly go wrong?  That was yesterday.  Today, top Democrats, still covered with fop sweat after listening to the Netanyahu speech are desperately seeking Susan.  Ok, not Susan exactly, but they are desperately seeking a candidate to be President.  I expected Hillary Clinton to self-destruct, but I never expected it to happen this fast. But then I never imagined even Hillary being so incredibly stupid.

Once Hillary realized she was going to be Secretary of State she took action to prepare.  She bought a domain name called “clintonemail.com” and set up a private e-mail box.  It was registered the day of her Senate hearing.   It has been confirmed that Hillary Clinton did even not have a government email address during her entire four year term as Secretary of State.

This is absolutely unbelievable.  It is clear to anyone, even some liberal Democrats, that this was intended to allow Hillary to email without any possibility of scrutiny.  That fact that she did this before even taking office is mind numbing.  But there is more than the usual Clinton cover-up going on here.  This literally is a threat to national security.

According to the following article the U.S. Ambassador to Kenya was dismissed from his post…wait for it …for using a private e-mail account:


He ordered a commercial Internet connection installed in his embassy office bathroom so he could work there on a laptop not connected to the Department email system. He drafted and distributed a mission policy authorizing himself and other mission personnel to use commercial email for daily communication of official government business. During the inspection, the Ambassador continued to use commercial email for official government business. The Department email system provides automatic security, record-keeping, and backup functions as required. The Ambassador’s requirements for use of commercial email in the office and his flouting of direct instructions to adhere to Department policy have placed the information management staff in a conundrum: balancing the desire to be responsive to their mission leader and the need to adhere to Department regulations and government information security standards.

Guess who the Secretary of State was in 2012?  I doubt seriously that anyone could fire a U.S. Ambassador without approval from Hillary.  Talk about the ultimate in hypocrisy.

It gets worse, much worse.  General Petraeus just plead guilty to a felony for failure to secure classified documents.  If Hillary sent a single classified document via this e-mail she probably violated the same law.  Since she did not even have a government e-mail, ALL of her Secretary of State e-mails when through her private e-mail server. Wow!  This explains why the White House is not even pretending to defend Hillary.  They are terrified that the next question will be:  “What did the President know and when did he know it.”  That also may be difficult to do, because a lot of people at the White House, including President Obama undoubtedly sent and received e-mails from Hillary’s personal e-mail account.  It is hard to pretend that no one at the White House, including President Obama, realized that Hillary had her own private e-mail account.  This is unbelievably stupid.

Many are assuming that Hillary will skate through this scandal too because the DOJ will never investigate.  But I would remind you that Richard Nixon had pretty good control of the DOJ during the Watergate fiasco.  How’d that work out?  When you get a Select Committee investigating something this explosive anything can happen.  If Nixon were still alive he would tell you all about that.

At best Hillary is absolute toast as a potential candidate for President. She just became the dream nominee, for any Republican challenger.  Now, look around for all those Democrats ready, willing and able to take her place. See anyone?  Anyone at all?   Keep looking.  When you find one, let me know.  How about Jerry Brown, Elizabeth Warren, Harry Reid or Andrew Cuomo?  Oh my.  Go ahead and giggle.  You deserve it.

This is what happens when a party is taken over by the extreme left wing.  No one with an ounce of common sense could possibly have survived a Democratic primary over the past decade or so.

Who knows where we go from here.  Just when you think liberals have reached the absolute lowest level of incompetence and abject stupidity, they somehow manage to find a whole new level.