The Obama campaign is running a television commercial praising President Obama for authorizing the mission that killed Osama bin Laden.  The implication is that this was an act of great personal courage.  This doesn’t pass the giggle test.  That had to have been one of the easiest decisions in the history of the U.S. Presidency.  As Mitt Romney pointed out, even the weak and pathetic Jimmy Carter would have authorized that mission. 

The more we learn about this mission, the more obvious that Obama was weak and indecisive.  In the commercial, Clinton describes how brave Obama was because he risked damage to himself politically if the mission failed.  There is no mention of the risk to the participants.  There is no discussion of risk to our national security.  There is no mention of concern regarding a potential for the loss of innocent lives.  The only concern mentioned is the political risk for President Obama.  There is a word for people who have no problem putting other people in jeopardy, but are terrified at the slightest personal risk.  The word is coward.

It should be obvious to everyone that the Clintons despise Obama.  Bill Clinton is a lot smarter than Barack Obama.  Perhaps, just perhaps, he chose the wording very carefully, to give the illusion of praising Obama, while instead exposing him as a totally self-centered leader.  Whether Clinton did this deliberately, or not, the result is the same. 

I doubt that anyone will be convinced that Obama is a great Commander-in-Chief because of this piece of fluff.  I think even fewer people will be convinced that Mitt Romney would have been afraid to give the order.  If this election is about which candidate is stronger on national security, Mitt Romney wins in a walk.  The only people who will buy this nonsense are already solidly in Obama’s camp.

Regardless of how this plays out politically, President Obama has revealed himself as a self-serving opportunistic coward.  That should be apparent to anyone paying attention. 


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