Imagine plugging your electric vehicle into your home charger and going to bed. Sometime overnight, the power went out because high winds toppled a power line. You didn’t know this because, well, you were sleeping. You wake up to an evacuation order because of a massive wildfire caused by the same high winds. Your only vehicle is that cute and extremely expensive electric vehicle Governor Gavin Newsom demands for every home in California. Oops. Your battery is dead. You try to evacuate but first you need to find a charging station. Oh, there’s one right ahead. Oh my, that doesn’t have power either. Wait, there is another one a couple of miles down the road. But when you get there, if you can even get there, the line of electric vehicles waiting for a charge extends for blocks if not miles. If there is a state-of-the-art super-fast charger, it may only take about 15 minutes to get a charge. That is 15 minutes per vehicle. But that is only for tiny, tiny electric vehicles, or hybrids, which run on, gasp, gas. If you have a BMW i4, Chevrolet Bolt, Tesla Model 3, or Lucid Air, it will take between 7 and 10 or even 13 hours. In the meantime, the fire is getting closer, the air is getting hotter, the winds are getting stronger, the traffic is rapidly escalating from awful to stalemate. People behind you are abandoning their cars and running to escape the fire.

The following article in the PJ Media describes all this. Sadly, it may even understate the problem:

And Suddenly, Gavin Newsom’s Electric Car Mandate Looks Pretty Dumb to LA Fire Victims – PJ Media

And by the way, if you leave your EV in your home, and it catches fire consider your house going, going gone. In addition, the toxic smoke is so bad that firefighters hesitate to even approach your home.

But at least you have the sweet consolation of knowing that the EV you purchased for about twice what it would have cost for a gas-powered vehicle is worth about half of what that gas powered vehicle would be worth today.

Welcome to the H*ll Hole California. Where in exchange for high taxes, high crime, lousy roads and spreading homelessness, you get sky high housing costs, and extremely expensive homeowners’ insurance, if available at all. By the way, the fire department doesn’t have any water to protect your home. Meanwhile that super rich Hollywood celebrity living on the top of the mountain has his or her home protected by private fire departments charging $2,000 per hour (using gas-powered fire trucks). All of this is a gift of the party of the people, for the people, by the people.

Meanwhile the fire chief in LA is begging homeless people to stop lighting fires. How unfair.

The LA County Fire Chief Asks “Our Homeless Neighbors” Not to Light Fires – Santa Monica Observer

But it could be worse. You could have a governor, whining about why none of this is his fault, while blaming everything on Donald Trump and then begging Trump to come to California to sort things out. But wait, there’s hope, Joe Biden still has over 48 hours left in office to fix this.




On April 12, 2011, I wrote the following article on my blog:


“Donald Trump has managed to make the subject of Obama’s birth certificate a topic of conversation. That alone is a major accomplishment…Donald Trump is moving rapidly up the Republican Presidential leaderboard. Some people watch him because they like him, some people watch him because they hate him. But they all watch him… Donald Trump is a very strong leader with incredible communication skills. I believe that the people are hungry for that and just may be willing to put up with the baggage in exchange for pure competence.”

A lot has happened since then, but I still think the secret to Donald Trump’s remarkable success is that he is willing to enter the “TO H*LL WITH IT“ (THWI LIGHT Zone). Prior to Donald Trump, Republicans were terrified to tell it like it is. They feared being labeled racist or sexist by Democrats. The problems with Obama’s birth certificate were beyond obvious, but ignored by most Republicans not named Donald Trump, and covered up by the MSM. The MSM has been totally engaged in ignoring the reality about Democrats and their policies, since day one, and is more likely to cover things up than to report responsibly. That trend continues to this day, but it is rapidly changing. Donald Trump not only won re-election, but he also proved that the Democrat Party, and its’ fawning supporters in the MSM, are totally out of touch with a majority of Americans. People want and are demanding change.

During his first term, Trump was not really prepared for the Presidency. He did not understand how hard the deep state would work to prevent him from governing. He underestimated the willingness of the MSM to lie and distort everything about him while simultaneously ignoring if not embracing the evil reality that had taken over the Democrat Party.

When you think about this, why would anyone be surprised? The first Democrat President was Andrew Jackson, a devote racist who forced native Americans out of their traditional homes and shoved them on the trail of tears to Oklahoma. It was the Democrat Party, particularly in the South, which was the party of systemic racism for much of its history. It was southern Democrats who started the Civil War to retain slavery. It was the southern Democrats who passed the Jim Crow Laws. And it was the southern Democrat Senators who fought civil rights and even filibustered the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Then, suddenly, the MSM and Democrats promoted the lie that it was Democrats who were the party of the little guy and Republicans were the racists who trampled on the rights of people of color and native Americans. Sadly, they succeeded in selling this lie for decades. It was only after Trump’s first term when the economy’s steady growth, accompanied by very low inflation and reduced regulation allowed African Americans to start to rise about the poverty level, not because of handouts but rather because of an economy offering a hand up, that things started to change.

Trump was driven out of office and whether this was solely the result of irresponsible reporting by the MSM, slander by the Democrat Party or what sure looked like the most untrustworthy election in American History, the result was the same. Joe Biden was inflicted on this country as a mockery of a President with predictable results. He is now spending his last hours as President trying to do as much damage as possible.

But a miracle happened, the Democrat Party and its black female trojan horse marching to the drumbeat of the MSM were defeated and literally humiliated by Donald Trump. Now he is scheduled to be inaugurated for the second time, next Monday. Joe Biden’s influence on this nation will last no longer than it takes for his rumored hourly bowel movements. But this time Trump is ready, willing, and able to take on the mission. Both he, his cabinet and Republicans in congress have adopted “THWI LIGHT” zone tactics. They are no longer even pretending to feel compelled to negotiate and compromise with those totally unwilling to deal in good faith with them. There is a new gang of cabinet members who have already demonstrated a willingness to not only take on the pathetic liberal leftwing naïve Democrat Senators, but they are also smacking their haughty, arrogant, yet stupid faces with a harsh dose of reality. Trump has accomplished the impossible. He has put together a team that not only includes Republican politicians, but it also includes people like Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy. This is a team of strong leaders ready, willing, and able to take it on. The entire world took notice. The “THWI LIGHT Zone” has already started, and the results will be increasingly visible starting Monday Afternoon.

In addition, that failed assassination of Donald Trump has clearly changed him. He now truly believes that God spared him because God has given him a mission and an assignment. Fix this. Game on. Enjoy this version of the “THWI LIGHT ZONE.”  It’s a beautiful thing.



Governor Gavin Newsom proposed spending $322 billion in total state funds during 2025. In 2024, the budgeted expenditure was approximately $223 billion, while revenues were $210 billion. Not exactly balanced. Newsom claims that he can spend an additional $100 billion because of increased revenue resulting from a stronger economy, and the stock market resulting in increased cash receipts (tax revenue). If you believe that, you probably think Joe Biden was a great President and voted for Kamala Harris.

This does not, of course, include the cost of the massive wildfires in Southern California. AccuWeather estimates more than $250 billion in damages, or more than the entire revenue of California during 2024. The economic loss to California is estimated at $50 billion. This is likely to be low. Biden is promising to provide tens of billion in aid. He has six more days to do this.

Insurance losses are estimated to be as much as $50 billion. Since many of these homes were insured by the California Fair Plan, the maximum a homeowner can recover is $3 million. This is the combined amount available for both the home and the contents. If it costs $2.5 million to rebuild your home, you only get $500,000 for contents. Since the average cost of a home in some areas is $4.5 million this is a real problem.

While wildfires like this in Southern California, due to Santa Ana winds are predictable there is little evidence California or Los Angeles was adequately prepared. Some fire trucks literally ran out of water. The fires quickly got out of control and they are still not fully contained.

Whether it is fair or not, the Governor of California and the Mayor of Los Angeles are the focus of increasing outrage. The pathetic efforts by Gavin Newsom to deflect blame is the polar opposite of leadership. Neither of these people are likely to survive the political storm which is also intensifying. Publicly putting your faith in Joe Biden to save the day is beyond wishful thinking it is downright delusional.

The impact of these wildfires will be felt internationally. They will impact the reinsurance market worldwide. Every state, including states with outrageously high homeowners’ insurance costs now, will see rates skyrocket even more. The result will be at least some people defaulting on their mortgages, which will drop property values.

The good news is that Joe Biden is going, going, gone and there is a new leader in charge. One that is capable of acknowledging the truth and taking action to fix things. Anyone who lives in California or who has lived in California knows what caused this. A refusable by state government to deal with the obvious. Instead of working to clean up forests from dead trees and debris, logging was considered evil. As a result, there are no logging roads for fire trucks to use and no logging roads with even the potential to provide fire breaks. The shortage of fire fighters in LA is so severe that convicts are now being used to make up some of the deficit.

California actually has plenty of water, but if you keep building houses and you refuse to build reservoirs, it doesn’t matter because the water just runs out to the ocean.

Donald Trump inherited a full out mess from Joe Biden. The country is going to pay a severe price for four years of incompetence. But this country is bigger and stronger than anywhere else on the planet and our ability to handle the worst storms is far greater than anyone can even imagine. Perhaps it is time to reflect on Abraham Lincoln’s declaration of Thanksgiving on October 3, 1863. This was a bleak time for many with the incredible destruction and loss of human life resulting from the civil war. Yet Lincoln took time to thank God. Here is a link to the entire text:

Abraham Lincoln’s Proclamation of Thanksgiving | American Battlefield Trust

The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God…No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy.

At a time when we are facing human catastrophe as a direct result of leadership that not only forgets God, but naïve leaders who they are God, He has reminded us who is and who is not in charge. Ultimately, just as they failed in preventing this incredible damage, they will fail in overcoming the incomparable power of God. It is time to look forward, not backward and give thanks.



Joe Biden is searching desperately for any  opportunity to give the middle finger, one last time, to America. So, he scheduled a Trip to LA to create the 624,000-acre Chuckwalla National Monument near Joshua Tree National Park. He also planned to create the 224,000-acre Sattitla National Monument. This is clearly designed to protect these areas from drilling, mining, solar energy farms and any other industrial activity. Once again decisions based on fighting climate change. But in Biden’s defense, he was also using taxpayer dollars to visit LA to celebrate his newest grandchild. Who said Hunter Biden never produced anything?

Since Biden was visiting, there were air space restrictions, which in addition to the high winds, delayed deployment of airplanes used to fight the fire. He barely noticed the raging wildfires. These are potentially the most damaging wildfires in our nation’s history. The average price of a home in this area is $4.5 and many of them are a multiple of this. Then Joe abandoned his trip to the Coachella Valley and headed back to Washington. He allegedly plans to make these declarations in Washington next week. Odds are if this is held outdoors, those people in attendance will be freezing, because of global warming Newsom is guaranteed to blame for the wildfires.

This may just be the longest two weeks ever. The odds of Joe Biden doing something constructive borders on zero. The odds of him doing something incredibly stupid so he can make things as difficult as human possible for Donald Trump, are through the roof. He has already commuted the sentences of murderers on death row in federal prisons. This was so dumb that even some of the condemned prisoners complained. Now he has apparently released another 1500 people from Guantanamo, Cuba. Seldom in the history of mankind has one incompetent mentally deficient corrupt racist managed to do so much damage to so many people in so little time.

Joe Biden was recently voted the second worst President in U.S. history. The only one ranked lower was Richard Nixon. Even the MSM is finally admitting that he hasn’t been up to the job for a long, long time. They have challenged top Democrats as to why they lied about Biden’s mental health. Perhaps these questions should have been directed at a mirror.

But he didn’t do this totally by himself. The Mayor of Los Angeles, who finally got back from Ghana, is trying to explain why she cut the fired department’s budget by over $17 million. The LA Fire Department Chief, the first female lesbian Fire Chief, is on a mission to spread DEI. Having the ability to fight fires is a much lower priority. Governor Newsom is trying to explain why the fire departments are running out of water. Trump pointed out, accurately, that this was because Newsom was more interested in giving fresh water to delta smelt, who didn’t actually need or use it, then to the citizens of Los Angeles. The man who has politicized every tragedy by rushing to the nearest camera is appalled, appalled I tell you, that Donald Trump would return the favor.

Eventually the fires will die out. Those people who still have insurance are facing a very bleak future. Good luck in finding another insurance company willing to bet against another wildfire in California. But those who are furious at the insurance companies might want to pay close attention to who is actually able to fund this recovery, and who is not. California, which started out Newsom’s term in office with a record surplus, is now broke. He is probably back in Marin County hiding out his new $9 million mansion, so his kids can attend a private school, scheming about his run for President of the United States in 2028. Talk about hot air.



Anyone watching the 2020 election fiasco noticed some really obvious things. Most people voted by “mail,” a situation with such obvious potential for widespread fraud that even some Democratic politicians noticed. In December 2019, four congressional Democrats, Senators Elizabeth Warren, Ron Wyden, and Amy Klobuchar along with congressman Mark Pocan wrote a letter to Dominion Voting Machines warning “about reports of machines switching votes, undisclosed vulnerabilities and improbable results that threaten the integrity of our elections.”

Democratic senators warned of potential ‘vote switching’ by Dominion voting machines prior to 2020 election – Washington Examiner.

They wrote this after there was a human error in Antrim County Michigan which resulted in incorrect vote totals.

In California there was virtually no attempt to identify anyone. We tried to vote in person and were told to drop our ballot in a box and no one even attempted to check our ID. Joe Biden received last minute miraculous vote drops in places famous for election fraud that selected him to be President of the United States.

When Donald Trump pointed this out, he was called a liar and conspiracy theorist. Even today the MSM still insists there was zero evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election. They are unconcerned about the 15 million Biden voters that disappeared after this election.

They also claim Trump tried to incentivize people to do an insurrection. No one, including Trump, was ever charged with insurrection. Some people were charged with seditious conspiracy. That includes “delay the execution of any law.”

18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

The sad reality is that nearly 1,600 people were charged. So far, 608 have faced charges for assaulting, resisting, or interfering with law enforcement.

Where the Jan. 6 Capitol attack investigation stands, by the numbers: DOJ – ABC News

The DOJ under Biden has been on a mission to find and charge as many people as possible to promote this myth that this was a planned insurrection. This just may go down and the greatest miscarriage of justice in American history. Many of these people were basically spectators who did stupid things because of an out-of-control mob. People who did more damage with more violence protesting things like the George Floyd incident or supporting Hamas in Gaza were seldom prosecuted at all.

Fortunately, this didn’t work. Despite four years of a constant propaganda onslaught by the MSM in their desperate mission to destroy Donald Trump, he is going to be the next President of the United States. Only a handful of delusion MSM anchors are trying to perpetuate the myth of Donald Trump the great election denier. They are preaching nonsense to a shrinking crowd with predictable results.

The truth is becoming more obvious every day. Incredibly Democrats are now saying that they, unlike Trump, respect the results of an election. What nonsense. Democrats have been leading the election denial parade for decades. Few are buying this nonsense.

Everything changes two weeks from today. The Joe Biden error will be over, and odds are we will see less of him than the rare sightings of Kamala Harris since the election. In this case, absence will not make the heart grow fonder, it will instead make it increasingly impossible to continue the lies and distortions. It is about time.


20 24 VISION!

On New Year’s Eve 2020 I threatened to avoid counting 2020 as a year. After all, nothing had been accomplished, other than “selecting” an incompetent mentally deficient corrupt racist to be President of the United States. During 2020 the entire country appears to have lost all reason. The response to Covid 19 ranged from pure panic to insanity. I still believe that more people died from over-reacting to Covid 19 than from the disease itself. Covid 19 was a nasty piece of work, for at risk people and particularly for elderly people in nursing homes. But incredibly, while virtually nothing was done to protect the people most seriously at risk, everyone else was forced through idiotic hoops to comply with silly rules that never made any sense and which in some cases made things worse. In addition, real but cheap solutions like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were banned by the government and trashed by the MSM without regard to any facts or science. It was very simple, at least to people like Neal Cavuto and members of the MSM. When Cavuto learned that Trump was taking hydroxychloroquine, at the direction of his doctors, he warned people to not take hydroxychloroquine because it will kill you. It was pure nonsense, but to people like Cavuto if Trump was for it, it had to not only be a bad idea, but it also had to be dangerous.

Prior to the arrival of Covid 19, Donald Trump was coasting toward re-election. After the international scar-a-thon succeeded in created the illusion of electing Joe Biden, in violation of the laws of physics and common sense, and Mike Pense was panicked into certifying utter nonsense, the deal was sealed. Donald Trump was cast out on the scrap heap of history and Joe Biden was seated on the throne of power. One problem is that Joe was never sure where, exactly, he was sitting, and he couldn’t even schedule his own bathroom schedule let alone run the U.S. Presidency. Sadly, with the help of fellow Democrats desperate to retain power at any cost, and I do mean any cost, with the full-throated enthusiastic support of the MSM, far too many people believed the illusion of Joe actually being President. That was never close to being true, but truth is just a temporary inconvenience to the Democrats and their fawning supporters seeking to gain and hold power permanently, regardless of results.

Then Joe, or whoever was managing Joe, stupidly agreed to let him debate Donald Trump on live TV. It was a total disaster. Joe’ support collapsed like a cheap umbrella. But on the way out the door, feeble-minded Joe managed to outmaneuver the DNC into embracing Kamala Harris as his replacement. That would be the same Kamala Harris who came in LAST in the primaries.

Now, after the election is over, this is beyond obvious. If the election were held today Kamala Harris would be lucky to come in second. No one, in either party, would even consider voting for Joe Biden. The entire world already recognizes that Trump is the new sheriff in town, and he is going to rock their world. Even some of the usual suspects are crawling on their hands and knees over broken glass to try and get close enough to the shadow of Mar-a-Logo for a brief glimpse at the ring of power.

In the meantime, January 20th can’t come soon enough. Hopefully, Republicans in the House can resist the urge to form the traditional circular firing squad long enough to get the election certified and let Trump put his team in action. It can’t happen soon enough. There was a terrorist attack in New Orleans, involving several people and a Tesla cybertruck conveniently blew up in front of the Trump Tower in Las Vegas. Pure coincidence of course. Biden is pardoning killers and sending billions more in ineffective aid to Ukraine. He clearly intends to use his few remaining brain cells still functioning part of the time to flip the bird to the American people on the way out.

The good news is that 2024 is history and American dodged a bullet. Given half a chance Trump just may succeed in turning things around. Thanks be to God this country survived four years where the inmates ran the institution with no adult supervision. But this may be our last chance. We either learn from this and seize the day to focus on fixing things rather than fixing blame or the reprieve will be only temporary.



It is said that truth always outs. Sometimes, that is hard to believe. It often seems like liars get away with ridiculous lies, for what seems like an eternity. Every night, if one happened across a MSM broadcast, one would hear ridiculous lies about Donald Trump, accompanied by claims that he is a serial liar.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the Forum. It turns out that it has been Democrats and their friends in the MSM who have been lying, to just about everyone. They got away with this for far too long, but the chickens are starting to come home to roost. This is both devastating and fun to watch.

For years Republicans and Fox News have warned that Joe Biden was deteriorating rapidly. This was actually obvious to anyone watching any of his public performances with a shred of objectivity. But the Democrat Party and its fawning supporters in the MSM furiously argued that Joe Biden was at the top of his game. At the same time, they were ignoring absurd lies told by Joe Biden, they were accusing Trump of being a serial liar who could never be trusted.

Trump, of course, won the election bigly. He won every swing state and also won the popular vote. Even Democrats have been forced to admit that he won and that he won by a lot. More importantly, while Trump has rapidly assumed the role of most powerful man on earth, Joe Biden has basically disappeared and the few appearances by Kamala Harris have been plain awful. I suspect that many people who stupidly voted for Kamala Harris now realize they dodged a really big bullet.

What makes this worse is that whistleblowers within the Biden Administration are providing proof of what should have been obvious all along. Joe Biden hasn’t been capable of performing the duties of a President for an extraordinarily long time, probably before the 2020 election. The government of the United States of American for the last four years has been run by a committee, composed of incompetent people chosen by someone with historically bad judgement. The results are what should have been expected.

Now that Trump has won, and won convincingly, a lot of people are finally admitting the truth about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. To those of us paying attention, this is not new information. But it is absolutely shocking to the people who foolishly believed utter nonsense.

When Trump won in 2016, the MSM scoffed while President Barack Obama was focused on making it extremely difficult for Trump to govern. The problem was compounded by Trump’s lack of understanding regarding the deep state and the true extent of the Washington establishment.

Just think about this for a moment. On several occasions the MSM just yawned when Trump asked for airtime to address the nation. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, literally tore up Trump’s State of the Union speech while he was still delivering it. It was shameful. It was wrong. It was dangerous. And it was incredibly stupid.

Ultimately, these lies failed in the mission to destroy Trump and instead destroyed those who foolishly thought the American people were buying this nonsense. Although far too many of them did buy this, fortunately the majority did not. The result is that when Joe Biden leaves office, officially, he will leave behind a shattered Democrat Party and the MSM that enthusiastically embraced the ridiculous is finding itself on the scrap heap of history. In the meantime, the entire world, including some of the most powerful men in our business community are flocking to Mar-a-Lago to kiss the ring of the new King of the World. There is lying, which is all too common, and lying in weight, which is lying about things that really matter. Truth is marching on and we can only hope Republicans focus more on actually fixing things and less on forming a circular firing squad.



The January 6th, 2020, fiasco was repeatedly described by the Democrat Party and their lunatic supporters in the MSM as an attempt to overthrow the government of the United States. That never made any sense.

The more we learn about the 2020 election the more reason to question the results. This was a massive mail-in election, with extremely poor auditing of ballots and in some cases, widespread ballot harvesting. Now we know that 15 million people who allegedly voted for Joe Biden disappeared after the 2020 election.

The meeting by congress on January 6th, 2020, was the last chance for anyone to challenge the results. Congress did meet, and they adjourned to discuss the serious concerns. That discussion was ridiculous. Democrats ignored the obvious and just demanded approving the election of Joe Biden. But even that pathetic effort was short circuited by the “riot” that broke out at the Capital.

The riot ended any chance at congress seriously considering the problems with the 2020 election. Once the crowd was cleared, congress came back and Mike Pence quickly pushed to have the election certified without further debate.

We saw this live on national television. There was nothing that even resembled a planned insurrection. If you want to see what that looks like, check out what happened is Syria. There were people doing stupid things, including skirmishes with the Capital policy. If someone was organizing this, they were incompetent.

There was also a distinct contrast with other Trump rallies, which were famously peaceful. There were riots, but they directed by the liberal left, in places like Minneapolis following the George Floyd incident. They also occurred in Washington D.C. and threatened the President of the United States, Donald Trump.

So, what really did happen? Donald Trump authorized used of the National Guard to protect the Capital, before the event. That request was denied by Nancy Pelosi and others. The Capital was not surrounded by the type of fencing used both before and since. At least 25 FBI informants were in the crowd. There are reports that at least some of these were encouraging people to storm the Capital. The FBI lied about this and withheld this information from the attorney’s representing the January 6th defendants.

Most important, focus on who benefited from this “riot” and who did not. Donald Trump certainly did not benefit. Congress was scared into rubber stamping the electoral college vote. Once that happened there was no possibility of stopping Donald Trump from being removed from office and replaced by Joe Biden.

If there was an insurrection, it was not by Donald Trump, it was against Donald Trump, Everything told us by the Democrat Party and the MSM was a lie. People who tell lies are afraid of the truth.

Donald Trump defeated the Democrat Party in the 2024 election. The MSM was wiped out in the process. Those people working 24/7 to convince the world that January 6th was a planned insurrection by Donald Trump have not only been defeated, but they have also been humiliated. The nation is about to be confronted with inconvenient facts about January 6th, and it will rock our world. Joe Biden can’t pardon enough people to even slow this down. The day of reckoning is at hand. Finally, the events of January 6th, 2020, will begin to make sense.



The situation in Syria is a hot mess. This is not exactly new. The Old Testament is full of references to conflicts with Syria. Syria was part of the Roman Empire from abut 64 BC to 636 AD. Then it was ruled by the Ottoman Empire Turks from 1516 to 1916. The French took over in 1916 and Syria became “independent” in 1946. The United Arab Republic, when Syria and Egypt united, ended in 1970 when President Hafez al-Assad took over as dictator. His son, Bashar al-Assad took over in 2000 when Hafez died. There has been a civil war in Syria since 2011. Now Bashar al-Assad is gone and is living in Moscow.

Anyone expecting Syria to become a tranquil peaceful place is ignoring history. But if you want to know what to expect, just read how this was described by Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, the leader of the main group HTS, formerly an al Qaeda affiliate: “victory for the entire Islamic nation.”  The United States has been bombing ISIS targets and Israel has moved troops across the border. Germany and Austria have paused asylum applications for Syrians. Germany is also offering free rides to any of the million or so Syrian refugees who want to go home. Some have suggested chartering planes and giving people $1,060 to help them make the transition.

Few things are more certain than that Joe Biden will get this wrong. He has been wrong on every major foreign policy decision for 50 years. Jake Sullivan said former terrorist groups are saying all the right things. “We’re going to work with all the groups in Syria, and as President Biden said yesterday, the rebel groups, including the ones that have been designated as terrorist groups, have actually said all the right things. Now the question is, what will they do to try to bring about a better Syria,

If you want to see what this looks like, check out how brilliantly Jimmy Carter managed things with Iran. Sullivant went on to say that people who “We’re prepared to work with anyone in Syria who wants a stable, inclusive democratic future for that country,” Right!  That’ll happen.

If you buy this, go back, and re-read the remarks by Abu Mohammed al-Jolani. Democracy in this region usually means an Islamic dictatorship. The only real democracy in the Middle East is Israel. That is not an accident. Lebanon is sometimes considered to be a democracy. But if you speak out against the religion leaders, make sure your life insurance is current.

The sad truth is that Syria is destined to become a Muslim Theocracy and the only real dispute is which version of Islam will be in control. Someone will win and kill everyone else. The winner is extremely unlikely to be our friend and absolute certain to never consider being friends with Israel.

At best the new leaders may agree, temporarily, to stop preaching death to Israel, but that hasn’t lasted for about six thousand years and won’t last now.

There is no doubt that Bashar al-Assad was a bad guy who kept power through brute force. Kinda like the Shah of Iran operated before Carter talking him making Iran paradise on earth. So, if you want my prediction, Syria will become like Iran. The best option is for the U.S. and Israel is for Iran and Syria to fight harder against each other than against us.  Bashar al-Assad was a devil, but better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. Welcome to the devil you don’t. Once again, the devil will be in the details.



The Democrat Party and its supporters in the MSM are going through the four stages of grief. Denial, Anger, Depression, Acceptance. The first stage is denial. Neither the members of the Democrat party nor it supporters in the MSM could convince themselves to recognize what was increasingly obvious. Joe Biden was a serial liar. He lied about almost everything. Yet, they somehow convinced themselves that he would not pardon Hunter Biden. Many people went on record commending him for standing up for the rule of and describing this as the major difference between Biden and Trump. Oops. Videos of these people saying this over and over again have gone viral. This is beyond embarrassing, it approaches humiliation.

Recently at least some members of the Democrat Party have come to an understanding that is remarkably similar to the moto of this website. “What is obviously true, is obviously true.” That actually dates back to Scottish philosophy, which decided that one can over think things to the point where they reach conclusions that are obviously not true. Philosophy, no matter how eloquent, is not a substitute for what is obviously true. The Democrat Party became confused over fundamental issues like whether or not there is a biological difference between males and females. Recently at least some of the usual suspects have come to realize that many of the conclusions driving Democrat Party policies were not only wrong but they were also absurd.

What the pardon of Hunter Biden accomplished was that it moved at least some people from the denial stage to the anger stage. We can already see that starting to play out. The next step will be depression, when they realize how much has been lost because of following people based on incredibly stupid assumptions.

I do not know how long the depression stage will last. At some point, someone much wiser and smarter than the current class of clowns will seize the day and develop a strategy to resurrect the Democrat Party from the scrap heap of history. That is when the Democrat Party will reach the final and most necessary stage of acceptance.  When you think about it, that is exactly the role Donald Trump has played for the Republican Party and ultimately, the country itself.

In the meantime, the Democrat Party is in full self-destruct mode. Based on the damage they caused while in power, I would refer to this as “Good Grief.”