Donald Trump put on a masterful performance last night. Democrats were hoping that he would go off the rails and embarrass himself. Actually, they were counting on that. They could not have been more wrong.

Twenty-three Democrat Senators, including Chuck Schumer, Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker posted video messages using an identical script to attack Trump. It was ridiculous.

Numerous media outlets reported on this, including a lot of traditionally liberal outlets. None were impressed.

22 Dem Senators Rebuke Trump In Copy-Pasted Speech Ahead Of President’s Address To Congress

Then came the Don. Trump worked the room from the moment he entered. He was poised, charming and focused. Democrats tried to interrupt him, just as they had promised. Congressman Al Green from Texas was forcibly removed after refusing to sit down and shut up while Trump was speaking.

Rep. Al Green removed from House chamber as some Democrats ignore party guidance and seize Trump protest moments

Democrat Party leaders had urged rank-and-file members to show restraint and not mount a high-profile protest. Members were told no signs, no props and no attention-grabbing stunts that could be seized upon by the GOP.

That advice fell on deaf ears. As far as Democrats were concerned, Trump’s entire speech fell on deliberately deaf ears. Democrats sat glued to their seats, holding up silly “Bingo” cards, while pouting like kindergartners.

About those ‘bingo signs’: Strategists critique Dems’ protests during Trump’s speech | Watch

When the camera focused on Nancy Pelosi, she looked like she was having a stroke. None of the Democrats even attempted to smile. They just looked glum, impotent and irrelevant. Some appeared to be playing video games on their phones. Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Republicans were filled with joy and enthusiasm. Smiling, leaping to their feet and rejoicing in the moment.

For most of the speech Trump, Vice President J.D. Vance and Speaker of the House Mike Johnson were focused solely on the Republican side of the room. So were the TV cameras, except for brief scans of the weak, ineffective and bitter Democrats increasingly irrelevant to anything being said or done.

The result was that while Trump was scoring point after point regarding his incredible accomplishments during his first 43 days in office, he also made Democrats look like unnecessary and unwanted spectators. To make things worse, Trump challenged Democrat to act like adults when he said:

“Absolutely Nothing I can Say to make to Make Them Happy or Make Them Stand or Smile or Applaud.”

They foolishly played right into his hand. They couldn’t even bring themselves to stand for the young child with brain cancer. Then when he called out Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren for clapping about the war in Ukraine continuing, she stupidly kept clapping with this bizarre smile.

Trump was incredible last night. Democrats were incredibly bad. He has been in office for less than two months, but the Don’s early light has exposed the Democrat Party revealing an incredibly ugly scene.

Eleanor Rigby

“All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely people
Where do they all belong?”

They belong home, sitting in their rocking chairs, drawing pensions they didn’t earn.



The interview of Susan Rice by Nicole Wallace (MSNBC..need we say more?) showcased the real problem with the Democrat Party today. It used to be said that politics ended at the nation’s border. This was because it was mutually understood that you only had one President at a time, and it was reckless and dangerous to sabotage him when dealing with foreign adversaries.

Susan Rice on Trump-Zelensky Clash: “No Question That This Was A Setup,” “JD Vance Did That Deliberately” | Video | RealClearPolitics

The United States was sabotaged, not by Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, but rather by Susan Rice. Even if she was right, which she was not, she was wrong. At a time when the country needs to be unified behind our President, even if they don’t like the way he is handling things, she did the exact opposite. The entire purpose of her interview on MSNBC was to sabotage Trump. That borders on treason. She revealed specific details on agreements that were classified for a reason. Her security clearance and anyone like her should be revoked permanently.

Rice says this was a setup by the Trump administration. But that makes zero sense. Trump was clearly there to sign a deal with Zelenskyy that would help end the war. Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent discussed how he had traveled personally to Ukraine. Zelenskyy refused to sign the deal. Zelenskyy told Bessent he would tell the press he would sign it in Munich. Then he met with Secretary of State Rubio in Munich and didn’t sign it there either. Then he announced he was coming to Washington D.C., and he would sign it there. Instead, he tried to blackmail Trump into giving a Security Guarantee. It is important to understand exactly what that would have meant. It would have meant stationing U.S. Troops in Ukraine, with orders to attack Russia if Russia attacked Ukraine. Just imagine this. Ukraine “accidentally fires a missile into Russia.” Russia, predictably, retaliates. The U.S. military in Ukraine is required to respond.  Sound familiar? It should, because that is how World War II started.

Here is how Wikipedia describes this.

Invasion of Poland – Wikipedia

Would Zelenskyy love to have the U.S. go to war with Russia? Silly question. Should we trust him to act responsibly? Silly question. If the U.S. had major operations in Ukraine regarding rare earth minerals, would Putin be discouraged from attacking Ukraine? Silly question.

The Obama administration and the Biden/Obama Administration were disastrous at handling international affairs. Iran blossomed into the number one world-wide sponsor of terrorism on the verge of getting a nuclear weapon. Putin invaded Crimea and later Ukraine. There is no evidence they deterred anyone from doing anything.

Friday, Donald Trump stood up to Zelenskyy and the whole world noticed. Most importantly Putin noticed. Trump means what he says. What he says in private is exactly what he says publicly. Sadly, the cost of fixing the international mess left by Biden may be very expensive. But it is also very necessary. We should have learned our lesson during World War II, but we didn’t. Those who refuse to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

FDR once said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Today, unfortunately, we also have to fear Democrats, who lost an election and would rather see the United States fail rather than see Trump win. If Trump doesn’t negotiate an end to this war, who will? Biden? Obama? Susan Rice?

Susan Rice spoke out because she was terrified. Terrified that Trump would actually end this war. How awful for Ukraine. How awful for the world. To Democrats defeating Trump is all that matters, without regard to the cost. This can be described with many words, but patriotism is not on the list.



Hate is not the opposite of love. Hate and love are closely related. They both require one to be obsessed with someone else. In addition, the size of the person is directly proportional to the size of the person or thing that they hate. When someone is dominated by hate, or love, it is difficult for rational thought.

This is why Trump Derangement Syndrome (“TDS”) is so devastating to those afflicted by it. They are so obsessed with him that they are incapable of rational thought. The MSM filled with TDS is incapable of even recognizing factual information. Everything he says or does is distorted to make him appear as despicable as possible. In addition to mindlessly repeating Democrat talking points, some even parrot idiotic accusations like calling him a dictator, fascist or even a reincarnated Hitler. This has also been done by his political opponents, so obsessed with him that they couldn’t respond rationally. The result was that they were so sure everyone else would hate him too that they tried to beat him with first Joe Biden and then Kamala Harris, without recognizing the simple reality that neither of them is qualified to manage a McDonalds. No one, and I do mean no one, wishes that Kamala Harris was sitting in the Oval Office.

Ironically, TDS has resulted in Trump being almost immune to criticism, even when warranted. He is far from perfect, but the opposition to him is so perfectly awful, that even credible complaints are ignored if promulgated by the usual suspects. Mitt Romney, for example, was so filled with TDS that he even voted to impeach him and remove him from office. That resulted, not in the destruction of Donald Trump, but rather the end of Mitt Romney’s political career.

All of the MSM outlets that focused 24/7 on TDS are shredding viewers and losing money. Even the rich liberals who want to support them are tired of losing money and credibility. TDS is expensive.

Ironically, the result is that today we have possibly the most powerful President in history. He has surrounded himself with people chosen for their competence and their commitment to his agenda. The world is literally flocking to the White House to publicly kiss his ring. Even King Charles just sent him a personal, handwritten invitation for a State visit to Great Britain. The people inflicted with TDS must be writhing in pain.

Everyone who has paid any attention knows that the federal bureaucracy is out of control. It is obvious that at least some federal workers are doing close to nothing because they believed that could never be fired and could just coast along waiting for that beloved federal retirement program. The bureaucracy has had an almost unlimited amount of funds to spend on anything they wanted, and few people even noticed and certainly didn’t care.

When Trump was in office during his first term, at least some of these people deliberately sabotaged him believing that he was only the temporary occupant of the White House, while they could continue forever. He is proving them wrong.

That has all changed in a little over a month. Elon Musk is tracking down the money and he is also exposing ghost employees. The secret flow of funds to liberal Democrat politicians has dried up overnight. The Trump cabinet is firing non-productive people and replacing them with people committed to the Trump agenda. The Democrat Party has morphed into a shrinking cluster of emotionally disturbed people too obsessed with TDS to do anything other than shriek and scream nonsense.

The DOJ and the FBI are led by serious people who will pursue real criminals. Those who broke the law in a failed effort to destroy Trump may just learn this the hard way.

I wonder when, if ever, those blinded by TDS, will realize that this is EXACTLY what Trump wanted. He lives inside their heads, leaving them with little if any room for rational thought. When Trump sees this level of hate, he loves it because in his case hating him makes for perfect opponents, those most likely to lose.




Russia invaded Ukraine with predictable results. Hundreds of thousands of deaths, unimaginable damage to property and extremely high costs for everyone involved. It is easy to push all the blame on Russia. The MSM is pretending that this was a classic case of the evil dictator, Putin, trouncing on a democratic Ukraine. But, as is always the case, there is more to the story.

There is no doubt that Russia was the invader and that should never have happened. But the reason it happened is that Putin took one look at Biden, just like he did at Obama, and said now is the time. In the case of Obama, he invaded and kept Crimea. In the case of Biden, he invaded Ukraine gained valuable seaports on the Black Sea. He knew neither Obama nor Biden was a serious threat to his plans. He did not invade Ukraine when Trump was President and he has admitted he would not have done so if Trump had been re-elected.

The truth about Ukraine is a lot more complicated than what is reported on the MSM. The following article in townhall explains this well:

The Hard Truth About Ukraine

Anyone remotely familiar with Hunter and Joe Biden knows that Ukraine has been famous for fraud. This is supported by the following article in https:www.foreignpolicy.com:

How Deep Does Corruption Run in Ukraine?

It is noted that Ukraine has always had strong ties to Russia. While most of the people speak Ukrainian, a high percentage, over 1/3, also speak Russian. In addition, a person who speaks Ukrainian can understand Russian, but Russian have difficulty understanding Ukrainian.

Ukrainian vs Russian: How Do These Languages Differ?

The real problem here is that when Russian invaded, the U.S. and its allies did very little to change results. Granted we sent a ton of money along with gun and ammunition to Ukraine, and they fought bravely, but there was never a strategy to actually defeat Russia, and Russia threatened massive retaliation against the West if it even tried. The result was a lose-lose situation, where costs in terms of lives, money and property were enormous, but no one even predicted any result much different that the status quo. Russia occupies much of eastern Ukraine and there is little evidence that this will change anytime soon. The UN wanted to pass a resolution blaming Russia for the invasion and demanding they abandon Ukraine to the original borders. Trump was criticized for vetoing that, but in reality, it never had a chance of working. Instead, it would have created a very real potential for an escalating war possibly including nuclear weapons.

Trump comes in with a very different approach. First, he has made it clear he wants to settle this war, but he is also sending a strong message to Putin. If you want peace, you can have peace, but if you choose war, it will not be confined to Ukraine. This is nearly identical to how President Eisenhower ended the Korean war.

In addition, Trump is offering Russia a chance to rejoin the world community. In doing this he is separating the ties between China and Russia, isolating China in the process. Putin is a lot of things, but he is not stupid. He knows his life and the life of the Russian people will be much better being friends with the U.S. than being enemies. Being enemies with the U.S. is a lose-lose proposition. But being friends changes everything. This will not happen overnight, but if it works, the results would be spectacular.

It is too early to know if this will or even can work. But the rest of the world is taking notice and they are paying attention. French President Macron came to visit with Trump and said he was in communication with about 30 other leaders in Europe. Earlier Trump and Macron participated in a Group of Seven leadership call. The bottom line is that Macron told Trump the European nations will do their part in Ukraine. Perhaps the most interesting comment from Macron was this: “You can’t be weak in the face of President [Vldamir] Putin. It’s not you, it’s not your trademark, it’s not in your interest. How can you then be credible in the face of China if you’re weak in the face of Putin?”

The bottom line is we are watching a game of Russian Roulette with unbelievable consequences. We all better pray Trump gets this right. But if he does, this actually has the potential to make this a safer world for everyone.



Kash Patel was confirmed as Director of the FBI after much weeping and wailing by the Democrat Senators. His confirmation is solid evidence that this Republican congress is going to be different. Republicans flat out ignored the frantic pleas and  confirmed someone who has promised to follow the rule of law without political prejudice.

There are a lot of Democrats and left-wing groups showing an awful lot of anxiety. While some of this may truly be because of extreme political differences there is a potential there is much more involved. Anyone paying attention knows that the Federal Government is famous for wasting money. It is also famous for incompetence and fraud. California paid $400 million in jobless benefits to inmates. Note, this is from the AP, which is very liberal.

California paid $400 million in jobless benefits to inmates | AP News

If the AP reports it, and it is damaging to liberal Democrats, the evidence must be overwhelming and undeniable.

One notes that, predictably, Gavin Newsom blamed this on someone else:

“Newsom responded to the letter Tuesday, saying he has been “deeply alarmed” by the problem. He blamed the fraud in part on Congress’ decision to expand unemployment benefits during the pandemic while mostly relying on applicants to self-certify that they were eligible.”

Pam Bondi and Kash Patel are not going to be covering things up. If anything, they are on a mission to investigate, document and prosecute. When you combine this with the fact that so many politicians become filthy rich while drawing salaries that don’t begin to provide a satisfactory explanation, well fear becomes rational, even for a life-long liberal Democrat. We already know that politicians are famous for accepting all-expense paid trips etc. This is fine if you are a Democrat, unless you defy Biden, but bordering on treason for Republicans and grounds for execution if one is a Supreme Court Justice.

But if some of the stories are true, then at least some of these people were feeding directly from the public trough. No one should be surprised that USAID funds were spent on incredibly stupid things. That was more than predictable. But it sure looks like some of the funds may have gone directly past Go, without stopping, straight into the pockets of the usual suspects. This allowed them to avoid (reduce) the need for bribes in exchange for direct reimbursement.

In addition, when one considers the Russian Conspiracy allegations against Trump and the numerous lawsuits, it becomes obvious that there are only two options here. Either Trump is one of the most brilliant crooks in history, uniquely gifted in avoiding prosecution and covering things up, or the DOJ and the FBI were weaponized by Obama and Biden for political purposes. Either January 6th was an attempt by Donald Trump to overthrow the government, or it was a plot to prevent any investigation into the 2020 general election. So far, the only version of events we have seen were produced by Democrats, their fawning supporters in the MSM and the January 6th committee. Few are buying the results. That is about to change.

Perhaps we should start a poll. Vote on suggestions for top candidates to find themselves up Kash Creek without a paddle. This could become extremely fun to watch.



Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: “If you strike at a king, you must kill him.”  Trump quoted this after the first failed impeachment attempt by democrats. That, of course, did not stop democrats from trying again. In the 2020 election, democrats thought they had finally stopped Trump by selecting Joe Biden to be “President” of the United States. Then when Trump started campaigning again, democrats tried again to destroy him with all those lawsuits and constant assaults by the MSM. There were even two assassination attempts against Trump, one that came incredibly close to succeeding when he was struck in the ear.

But they missed. Trump not only won the election, but he also won the popular vote, and he now has a Republican House and a Republican Senate ready, willing and able to take on the Democrat Party. It is now clear. Democrats not only missed Trump, but this was also a Miss, America. Anyone who has watched the public appearances of either Joe Biden or Kamala Harris since the election with an ounce of objectivity knows that when that attempted assassin shot and missed Donald Trump, we all dodged a bullet.

Now Democrats and their fawning supporters in the MSM are paying the prince. The Democrat Party is in complete shambles, with not even the hint of a future leader on the horizon. Instead, we are treated to a daily barrage of nonsense by the usual suspects including Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. They have nothing to offer except shrieks of outrage.

They are also missing something essential to the Democrat narrative. They are missing victims. That is so bad that CBS had to literally invent a victim for a 60 minutes broadcast. They don’t have any examples of people being denied Social Security or Medicare benefits. The closest they could come is that air crash in Washington, D.C. and the efforts to blame that on Donald Trump fell on deaf ears. Then, incredibly, they tried to blame a plane crash in Canada on the U.S. FAA. This is just how desperate they have become.

Yet, one has the sense that the real hammer is yet to fall. The DOGE team being led brilliantly by Elon Musk is not just looking for wasteful spending, they are looking for fraud. When one considers how many politicians miraculous become filthy rich after serving in Washington, D.C., the stench of fraud permeates the air. Yet at least so far, all the fingers are pointing toward Democrats. Perhaps that is because Democrats and the liberal left were in total control of the establishment and the deep state for decades. The MSM worked overtime to attack George W. Bush, they worked double over-time to cover up for Barack Obama. They switched over to attack mode as soon as Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States. They stayed in that mode during the entire Joe Biden Presidency, while shifting some resources toward covering up for Joe Biden.

There are no reports of conservative organizations being secretly funded by USAID or other government programs. Not a lot of conservatives were holding their hands out for the coveted green new deal funds.

The strategy by the MSM and the Democrat Party to focus solely on destroy Donald Trump resulted in a big Miss, America. They tried to strike a king, and they missed. He is now in office, totally motivated to fix this mess. He finally has a Republican House and a Republican Senate who understand the problem and are on board. His cabinet of extremely strong and determined people are being confirmed, without regard to the irrational opposition of Democrats who just can’t see their way past Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Trump has already implemented more change in the first month than anyone thought possible. Yet he is just getting started and don’t expect him to slow down anytime soon. It has already been fun to watch, and the best is yet to come.



Muhammed Saeed al-Sahhaf was the Miniter of Information under Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. He became internationally famous as Baghdad Bob because of his ridiculous claims intended to convince the world that Iraq was defeating the U.S. military. It turned out that Baghdad Bob was telling ridiculous lies because he believed those lies. The reason was that Saddam Hussein was famous was harsh treatment of anyone who gave him bad news, so people just lied. This was so bad that even after the American tanks had literally entered the capital, some Iraqi officers later admitted they had no idea the American military was this close.

Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf – Wikipedia

Baghdad Bob faded from public life after the war. No one was interested in hearing more obvious lies.

Today we have a whole team of Bag Dad Bobs, who appear to have been feeding at the public trough,  infused with Trump Derangement Syndrome in the MSM saying things about Donald Trump that are not only untrue, but they are also absurd. That begs the question. Are they really this stupid or do they just hope we are this stupid. One thing is certain, Trump is winning, over, and over, and over again.

Democrats are demanding transparency and facts, only to see the facts point the finger of blame right back in their face. Anyone paying a tiny bit of attention knows that the Federal Government is famous for inefficiency, stupidity, and corruption. It is absolutely no surprise to these people that DOGE run by Elon Musk is finding clear evidence of inefficiency, stupidity and corruption.

In case you are wondering if Democrats are really this stupid consider the following. David Hoge, now a Vice Chair of the DNC, suggested replacing Elon Musk with Pete Buttigieg.

David Hogg Demands Elon Musk Be Fired and Replaced by Pete Buttigieg

Ok, take a moment to stop laughing. Even the MSM chose to ignore this little bit of insanity.

Democrats are calling for war in the streets and in some cases bordering on demanding another assassination attempt on Trump. You may have noticed that there are no credible reports of major protests anywhere. Perhaps one reason is that Trump’s approval rating is soaring and there was one report that in some cases 70% of people agree with his actions.

Democrats Are at a Dead End, Unless They Learn From Trump – Rasmussen Reports®

To make things worse, there is the ultimate bombshell story out there. I do not subscribe to conspiracy theories, and this one falls into the category of being too ridiculous to even consider. But there is a whistleblower who has stated that Governor Josh Shapiro facilitated, planed and coordinated the attempted assassination of Donald Trum, with cooperation of Christopher Wray.

Did Gov. Josh Shapiro Plot Donald Trump’s Butler Assassination Attempt? Whistleblower Claims Surface

Hard to believe but we still don’t know all the facts, and any least some actions taken by the FBI are grounds for a raised eyebrow.

Donald Trump Demands Answers Over Assassination Attempts

At best, there was gross incompetence by the FBI and the Secret Service regarding this event. It was only miracle that Trump was not shot and killed. Democrats have shown a willingness to do almost anything to stop Trump.

In the meantime, Bag Dad Bobs are back, but there are fewer of them and even fewer people paying attention.



Once again, the liberal left and its fawning supporters in the MSM are fighting to overturn the results of a national election. Just as they did when Trump won in 2016, the MSM has returned to hyperventilating and doing everything and anything possible to destroy Donald Trump. They are horrified that he has taken office and taken control. Almost everything he has done is being challenged legally and Democrats are literally frothing at the mouth in futile attempts to stop Trump from doing exactly what he promised to do. Once again, they distort almost everything he has said or done, put it in the worst possible light, while absurdly claiming this is an attempt to save our democracy and promote truth, justice and the American way. But in doing this they are missing something really important. A lot of people are responding to the actions taken by Trump with loud applause, shouts of “about time” and in some cases tears of joy.

Trump repeated a story apparently told by Tommy Tuberville regarding Patrick Mahomes. I am not sure if Trump or Tuberville got the facts right, but either way this was hardly a crime against humanity. Instead, it was actually a rather flattering comment about Patrick Mahomes. Seriously, who cares? Obviously the MSM which is desperate to discredit Trump for something.

Now Trump is threatening to fire the board of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Before criticizing this decision consider the marvelous non-partisan choices like former Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Democratic National committee finance chair Chris Korge, all appointed by Joe Biden at the same time he was busy pardoning family members. Democrats are famous for using places like the Kennedy Center to take cheap partisan shots at Republicans, particularly Donald Trump, while swearing allegiance to the hypocrits oath of only criticizing Republicans. Earth to Democrats if you want to depoliticize the arts and culture, start by depoliticizing the arts and culture. Just look at how the liberal left icons of virtual tried and failed to demonize Carrie Underwood for daring to sing at the inauguration. Granted a lot of Hollywood celebrities are thumb sucking left-wing liberals, but that doesn’t mean that only leftist radicals have the talent necessary to perform in public. This election should have taught everyone one thing; fewer and fewer people care about the misguided opinions of the privileged self-congratulatory elite unable to even glimpse the real world outside the tinted walls of their celebrity bubble existence.

There is a war of the winds taking place, but not the war being described by desperate members of the MSM desperately clinging to the final sinking straws of their credibility. It is instead a war against unelected bureaucrats who consider themselves entitled to manage all the secret levers of power without regard to the consequences of an election or the dictates of the President of the United States. They feel that they, the many, the proud, the deeply intrenched, the ultra-liberal, unelected should not be required to follow the dictates of the President of the United States, especially if that President is someone like Donald Trump. They cannot grasp the concept that getting rid of “libtards” like them is exactly why Donald Trump was elected and given a mandate to change.

But Donald Trump doesn’t care what they think, about anything. He is too busy draining the Washington D.C. swamp, and so far, every time he has lifted the lid off the MSM coverup, the stench of corruption and incompetence is overwhelming. Liberals and the MSM should be embarrassed by the corruption exposed at the USAID. But anyone who has ever watched a show like “Cops” quickly realizes that criminals almost never willingly admit guilt, they are far more likely to blame anything and everything on someone else, anyone else. It is only when confronted with the cold hard evidence of their obvious guilt that they even consider reducing the screams of outrage to a level required for anyone to hear the long list of criminal charges they have earned.

So, remember this, the louder the screams from Democrats and their hysterical supporters in the MSM, the more obvious that Trump is on target. Eventually those shrieks’ of outrage will be quietly but emphatically replaced with well documented indictments of those who have truly earned our collective scorn.

Always remember that if Trump were more like Joe Biden, a mentally incompetence corrupt racist marching to the illusionary drumbeat of the Washington establishment they would not bother challenging him. They only challenge people they truly fear, and right now there is no one they fear more than Donald Trump. The War of the Winds is on full display and the liberal left and Democrats in general are rapidly running out of air. Instead they find themselves standing by the side of the road, not quite sure exactly what force of nature just went by.



Democrats have been screaming that the events surrounding January 6th, 2021, was evidence of a plot by Donald Trump and his supporters to overthrow the government of the United States. Some have even compared this to the civil war.

They continue to demand that people declare on their mother’s grave that Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. They shriek to the heavens that this is the big lie that makes Donald Trump so dangerous.

They are fighting furiously to save the 5,000 FBI agents and employees who participated in the four-year nationwide witch hunt for anyone who farted near the capital on January 6th, 2020. That would be 5,000 out of 38,000 employees. Obviously, it was vital to hunt down grandmothers who took selfies within the Capital on January 6th.  Tracking down terrorists, criminals, drug cartels, and the person planting pipe bombs on the same day, not so much.

They continue with this absurd narrative for one simple reason. If this hoax is destroyed, it will be proof positive that it is Democrats who will do anything and everything to steal an election. Even if it means putting innocent people in jail for long periods of time.

If Democrats have been lying about January 6th, which happens to be accurate, then they have surrendered their last shreds of credibility. All you need know about January 6th is that Donald Trump authorized the use of the National Guard before the event.

Trump did call for Nat’l Guard troops before Jan. 6, ret. Gen. Kellogg says

The MSM continues to suppress this story. There is a reason for that. It is impossible to reconcile the “Trump directed an insurrection” with this simple fact.

Even Snopes admitted this was true, with this incredibly misleading analysis:

Were Requests To Deploy National Guard Initially Denied During Capitol Riots? | Snopes.com

 “The Department of Defense denied the report but acknowledged that they had not acted upon the request immediately.”

January 6th was a bad day, for Donald Trump, for Republicans and for the country. Mike Pence folded like a cheap umbrella and rushed through certifying the 2020 election. Then congress went home for the holidays, leaving the country facing four years of Joe Biden. He spent 40% of his time on vacation, which is probably the best thing that happened during his Presidency. Nothing was better four year later. Nothing.

Democrats still don’t understand the significance of January 6th. A majority of Americans did not buy this nonsense. They voted for Donald Trump. Despite enormous sums of money spent pushing propaganda on the MSM, censoring Facebook and Twitter, the ranting and raving by Democrat politicians, and the weaponization of our legal system, most people understood something really important. It is Democrats who refuse to abide by the results of an election. January 6th was an organized attempt to overthrow the government of the United States. But it was not done by Donald Trump or his supporters, it was rather done by his political opponents.

The majority of people who voted in November understood exactly what happened in 2020. They took the 6th, understood it, and voted for change. They voted for freedom. They voted for Democracy. In the end, all Democrats in their self-righteous lust for power, without regard to the cost, succeeded in accomplishing was, to quote Admiral Yamamoto, awakening a sleeping giant and filling it with a terrible (wonderful) resolve.



We have all seen the face(s) of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (“DEI”) for a very long time. There was a time when it seemed like every senior management position was always a white male. There is no doubt that in at least some cases, a more qualified person with a different skin color, religion or gender was denied the opportunity for such positions of power. That was and is wrong. Unfortunately, this was replaced by DEI, which did not replace such prejudice with a standard based on merit and performance, but rather on another form of discrimination, this time directed against white males. The result is obvious to anyone watching their television screens following any major disaster. The person in charge is often someone who checks off one or more of the diversity buttons. Since the primary requirement is so obviously diversity, equality and inclusion, it should not be a surprise that people assume the reason this person got the position was because of diversity, equality and inclusion. This means that in some cases, a person who actually did earn the position solely on merit and accomplishment is unfairly painted with the same brush of assumed incompetence.

I am reminded of when I had the privilege of listening to Margaret Thatcher speak at a private luncheon in Los Angeles. Most of the people in attendance were in the insurance industry. After she spoke, one young professional looking female stood up and asked her: “What did it feel like to be the first female Prime Minister of Great Britain.” Thatcher just stared at her for what seemed like an eternity. Then, in a very stern voice, she said: “I was NOT the female Prime Minister of Great Britain, I was THE Prime Minister of Great Britain.” The entire room leapt to its collective feet and applauded.

If you read one of the liberal news outlets today, they will describe DEI something like this:

What is DEI and why are companies changing views on it?

“DEI is a hiring practice designed to create a diverse and equitable workforce ensuring all employees have equal opportunity regardless of their background.” That sounds great, but it is a lie. It is not based on equal opportunity, it is based on discriminating against people who do not meet the desired racial, ethnic, religious, gender or LGBTQ identity. There is nothing equal about this, it just replaced one unacceptable environment unfairly discriminating in favor of white males to another unacceptable environment unfairly discriminating against white males and anyone else who falls outside the scope of political correctness.

We don’t know what caused that awful crash in Washington, D.C. but we already know some things. We know that the helicopter was apparently flying above 200 feet, which would have been a serious error. We know that there was only one Air Traffic Controller on duty, when the standard is for two controllers, one for helicopters and one for airplanes. We know that on at least two prior occasions, one happening the day before this tragic crash, pilots of passenger planes had to take evasive action to avoid colliding with a helicopter at the exact same airport.

Pilots had reported near-misses with helicopters at Reagan National Airport in the years before the deadly crash | CNN

Reagan Washington National Airport is located just across the river from Washington, D.C. There have been many suggestions to move the airport to a safer location, but this has always been summarily dismissed by congress, Dulles International Airport is located 29 miles away. It was considered far more important that VIPs can get out of town as quickly as possible.

As with any other disaster, Democrats and far too many members of the MSM will try to blame this on President Trump. Some even reported that he fired 3,000 air traffic controllers. That lie spread like wildfire. We did have a President who fired over 11,000 air traffic controllers because they went on strike. That President was Ronald Reagan. He did it because he said those who hold positions of public safety cannot be allowed to hold the rest of us hostage.

The next time you are on a plane, if you are like me, you probably won’t care what the pilot of that plane looks like. You just want to have confidence that he or she knows how to fly that plane safely. The same is true of the doctor scheduled to operate on you. Seems pretty obvious, which is why it is obviously so difficult for far too many Democrats and the MSM to grasp the concept.