Muhammed Saeed al-Sahhaf was the Miniter of Information under Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. He became internationally famous as Baghdad Bob because of his ridiculous claims intended to convince the world that Iraq was defeating the U.S. military. It turned out that Baghdad Bob was telling ridiculous lies because he believed those lies. The reason was that Saddam Hussein was famous was harsh treatment of anyone who gave him bad news, so people just lied. This was so bad that even after the American tanks had literally entered the capital, some Iraqi officers later admitted they had no idea the American military was this close.
Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf – Wikipedia
Baghdad Bob faded from public life after the war. No one was interested in hearing more obvious lies.
Today we have a whole team of Bag Dad Bobs, who appear to have been feeding at the public trough, infused with Trump Derangement Syndrome in the MSM saying things about Donald Trump that are not only untrue, but they are also absurd. That begs the question. Are they really this stupid or do they just hope we are this stupid. One thing is certain, Trump is winning, over, and over, and over again.
Democrats are demanding transparency and facts, only to see the facts point the finger of blame right back in their face. Anyone paying a tiny bit of attention knows that the Federal Government is famous for inefficiency, stupidity, and corruption. It is absolutely no surprise to these people that DOGE run by Elon Musk is finding clear evidence of inefficiency, stupidity and corruption.
In case you are wondering if Democrats are really this stupid consider the following. David Hoge, now a Vice Chair of the DNC, suggested replacing Elon Musk with Pete Buttigieg.
David Hogg Demands Elon Musk Be Fired and Replaced by Pete Buttigieg
Ok, take a moment to stop laughing. Even the MSM chose to ignore this little bit of insanity.
Democrats are calling for war in the streets and in some cases bordering on demanding another assassination attempt on Trump. You may have noticed that there are no credible reports of major protests anywhere. Perhaps one reason is that Trump’s approval rating is soaring and there was one report that in some cases 70% of people agree with his actions.
Democrats Are at a Dead End, Unless They Learn From Trump – Rasmussen Reports®
To make things worse, there is the ultimate bombshell story out there. I do not subscribe to conspiracy theories, and this one falls into the category of being too ridiculous to even consider. But there is a whistleblower who has stated that Governor Josh Shapiro facilitated, planed and coordinated the attempted assassination of Donald Trum, with cooperation of Christopher Wray.
Did Gov. Josh Shapiro Plot Donald Trump’s Butler Assassination Attempt? Whistleblower Claims Surface
Hard to believe but we still don’t know all the facts, and any least some actions taken by the FBI are grounds for a raised eyebrow.
Donald Trump Demands Answers Over Assassination Attempts
At best, there was gross incompetence by the FBI and the Secret Service regarding this event. It was only miracle that Trump was not shot and killed. Democrats have shown a willingness to do almost anything to stop Trump.
In the meantime, Bag Dad Bobs are back, but there are fewer of them and even fewer people paying attention.