This is going to be FISA week in Washington, D.C. One of the reason Democrats ran wild accusations of racism against Donald Trump is that they are terrified of the story about to hit. The Trump scandals have been based on poorly sourced leaks that never seem to hold up to scrutiny. If there was anything resembling a smoking gun the media would have gone stark raving nuts. But the opposite is true with regard to alleged collusion between Russia and the Hillary Campaign, the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, the State Department and a cast of thousands. There are also ongoing investigations into the Clinton private e-mail server and Uranium One. While you’ve been sleeping the CIA, the FBI and the NSA have been investigating. Those investigations are now over and documents are being delivered to congress. As I write this, teams of highly skilled and focused investigators are digging through a mountain of evidence in a lucrative hunt for pure gold. They are bound to find pay dirt. There has already been an indictment with regard to Uranium One.

Liberals believed that Hillary Clinton was the most qualified candidate to ever run for President while Donald Trump represented the Sum of all Fears. They convinced themselves that Putin must have wanted Trump to win, because he hated Hillary. That is why they were so willing to accept the Obama administration absurd conclusion that Russia tried to interfere in our election to help Trump. Obama even ordered sanctions on Russia to make this look real. When you hear or read that 17 Intelligence Agencies all agreed with this assessment, keep in mind that this means John Clapper, DNI said this. We now know that Clapper may have been part of the problem. The Russia was trying to help Trump theory was and is nonsense.

All of this is based on the alleged hacking of the DNC e-mail server by Russia. The main stream media swallowed that myth hook, line and sinker, because they wanted to believe, but the evidence is beyond thin. DNC server security was pathetic. It could have been hacked by an eight year old. For example; John Podesta allegedly used “password” as his password. Seriously? WikiLeaks, which published the DNC e-mails, says they did not come from Russia. Russia says they did not come from Russia. Neither the FBI or the NSA was allowed to do a forensic investigation of the DNC server. Everyone is relying on reports from a company hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign. It’s not like they had an incentive to blame Russia, course not.

In addition, this all assumes that Russia wanted to help Trump beat Hillary. Granted Putin, like a lot of other people, probably hates Hillary. But he also knows that her Russia Reset thingee was a joke. If the rumors about Uranium One are accurate, he also knew that Hillary was for sale. We definitely know that a Russian company, with alleged ties to Putin, invested big time in a biofuel firm that was guaranteed to make a killing if Hillary was elected and she maintained President Obama’s insane global warming initiatives. One could argue that Putin “needed” Hillary to win. That is consistent with Russia intelligence helping Fusion GPS create that Russian Dossier that was clearly intended to help Hillary defeat Donald Trump. If Putin really wanted Trump to win he would never have allowed Russian intelligence to participate in that dossier.

While the liberal left and the main stream media was running wild with what they considered to be an uninterrupted succession of victories, in reality they achieved nothing other than to destroy their own credibility. Trump is still standing tall and he isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. The main stream media, on the other hand, is reduced to weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth while lurking in his gigantic shadow. In the meantime, truly serious people continued their investigation:


Admiral Mike Rogers, Director of the NSA ordered the NSA compliance officer to run a full audit on 702 NSA compliance. One issue was the use of “About Queries.” This allows queries or searches of the content of e-mails and phone conversations on any subject matter put into the search field. Rogers immediately ordered the “About Query” activity to stop, he reported the activity to the DOJ and then personal reported this to the fully FISC assembly. He informed the FISC about the 702(17) violations and permanently stopped “About Query.” Shortly after this the head of DOJ – National Security Division, John P. Carlin resigned. We know that both Secretary of Defense Ash Carter and DNI John Clapper asked President Obama to fire Mike Rogers.


Unless all the reports are wrong, those FISA documents are about to explode. Devin Nunes has announced publicly that he intends to brief all 435 congressional representatives on these documents. That includes every Democrat and every Republican. Unless he is irredeemable stupid, he believes these documents will shock people in both parties.

At some point, probably sooner than later, the main stream media has to cover this story. Once they start we are likely to see an unprecedented feeding frenzy. Just think about how quickly everyone joined in the hunt for men who sexually harrass women after they just ignored the problem for decades. A lot of people are going to be very embarrassed that they missed the story of their lifetime that was right under their noses all the time.


“There’s none so blind as those who will not see.”