The best defense Hillary Clinton has available with regard to the e-mail scandal is that she is merely stupid, not a criminal.   Does anyone believe that the Secretary of State never sent an e-mail with classified information?  Please!  This is beyond bad.  This is mind numbingly bad.  It is no surprise that Hillary is corrupt, we already knew that.  It is no surprise that she conducted a cover-up; she has done that many times before.  It is not even a surprise that she would do something so stupid.  She has proven that before too.  What is shocking is that anyone ever seriously considered this woman to be a legitimate candidate to be President of the United States. What is beyond shocking is the realization that a significant percentage of the American people would still vote for her to be the next President.  Fortunately, that number is dwindling by the date and that sound you hear is the death rattle of the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign.

How bad is it?  It is so bad that most of the Republican candidates aren’t even bothering to comment on the story.  They don’t need to. They know when a Campaign is destroying itself even RINOs, genetically predisposed to losing elections, are too smart to get in the way of that.

This reminds me of the story where a major league ball player started his slide into home plate too late and ended up about ten feet short of home plate.  As the umpire called him out, he whispered:  “pretend you’re hurt.”  I predict, again, that Hillary is on the verge of an unexpected illness that will require her to suspend, not end, her Presidential Campaign.  She almost has to do that or she may not make it to Labor Day.  Her only chance, at this point, is to let people like Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley try to out liberal each other.  This will be the ultimate race to the bottom. Then a rigged Democratic convention would draft Hillary and she would courageously leap from her sick bed to save the day.  She would only have to campaign for about six weeks and the first four weeks would be spent watching the main stream media ignore the obvious and promote her coronation.

The problem is that this is so bad that even this act of desperation probably wouldn’t work.  People are on to Hillary and that is really bad for her.  She may not have a clue, but more and more American’s do.  Donald Trump is unlikely to win the Presidency, but he has already put a stake in the heart of the Jeb Bush campaign.  This means we won’t have to endure a Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton campaign after all.  You might say the entire country has managed to Duck a Dynasty.