We now have a confirmed Ebola case in the U.S.  At a minimum, the main stream media is going to go nuts.  We are about to be inundated with information, some of it true, some of it false, some of it ridiculous.  We will have experts tell us there is no risk.  We will have other experts tell us death is coming to American.


The question is “who do we trust?”  This administration has said too many things that have been proven to be untrue.  Even if we think these are “innocent” errors, this is a serious problem. Was the President lying about the intelligence regarding ISIS so that no one can criticize him for not taking action?  Or was he telling the truth and he really didn’t think ISIS was a threat.  I am not sure which is worse.  Do I want to deal with a habitual liar or someone merely clueless?  How could I trust either one?

We rely on a President during a crisis to reassure us that things are under control.  Ronald Reagan did that after the Space Shuttle explosion.   Rudy Giuliani did that in New York after 9-11.  So did George Bush.  The Democratic second guessing of George Bush didn’t happen until Democrats got collective amnesia.

To be blunt, this is the administration that didn’t notice that someone had shot at the White House until a maid found the bullet.  This is the administration that let someone jump the fence at the White House fence and charge through the White House.  The intruder was only stopped when an off duty Secret Service agent happened by.  Few things seem more obvious that the need to secure the White House, but this administration can’t even do that.  How could anyone trust them to handle anything else?

So perhaps the question tonight is:  “Ok, Ebola has come to the United States. Who do you trust?”