The DC Circuit Court just put a dagger into the heart of ObamaCare.  While some people thought this lawsuit had zero chance of succeeding, it is now one step away from the Supreme Court.  What makes this decision very troubling, for Democrats, is the wording.  The court recognized that this decision will hurt a lot of people currently getting health care subsidies.

“At least until states that wish to can set up exchanges, our ruling will likely have significant consequences both for the millions of individuals receiving tax credits through federal exchanges and for health-insurance markets more broadly.  But, high as those stakes are, the principle of legislative supremacy that guides us is higher still.”

The White House response by John Earnest was as follows:

“It’s important for people all across the country to understand that this ruling does not have any practical impact on their ability to continue to receive tax credits right now,”

Obama appointed three judges to the DC Circuit court.  He obviously had this day in mind.  We may soon learn if a liberal Democratic judge is even capable of actually upholding the rule of law.

My concern is not so much with regard to this case.  It is far more serious than that.  I wonder if liberal Democrats are even considering what could happen if people lose faith in the rule of law.  If people lose faith in the system, almost anything is possible and most options would be very bad.