The Republican establishment does not want to impeach President Obama.  For one thing, impeachment should always be the last resource in dealing with a conflict between a President of the United States and congress.  That is why only two Presidents have ever been impeached; Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton.  (Nixon was never impeached; he resigned prior to any impeachment vote.)  Both were acquitted primarily because impeachment was considered to be too radical of a solution for the problem.  In addition, Republicans know that Democrats, with wild cheering from the main stream media, will leap to the defense of Obama, resulting in the ultimate political circus.  In the meantime, the impact on the country would be devastating.  It is bad enough dealing with the rest of the world with Obama in charge.  It would be impossible with no one in charge.

There is little doubt that the House would, if pressed, vote to impeach Obama.  There’s even less doubt that the Senate would disregard this and vote to acquit, regardless of the facts.  That is why Boehner is suing Obama rather than calling for impeachment.  Perhaps he is hoping that somehow the Supreme Court will find a way to intervene.  I doubt seriously that there is any chance that this will happen.  The Supreme Court is not about to bail congress out for being incapable of dealing with this mess.

I believe there is only one person in this country capable of making impeachment happen.  That person is President Barack Hussein Obama.  Incredibly, he just may be capable of achieving the impossible.  His open taunting of Republicans in congress comes very close to twisting the tiger’s tail.  At some point, if you twist the tiger’s tail once too often, you get bit even if that is not what tiger had in mind.

I have never seen anything like this.  I cannot find any example in our nation’s history where a President of the United States acted this way.  Obama is acting like a spoiled brat.  This is insane.  How, exactly, can the country tolerate a juvenile delinquent masquerading as President.  Rick Perry met with Obama to discuss the mess on our border and Obama had trouble controlling the giggles.

Democrats should be just as concerned about Obama as Republicans.  This is not even close to funny.  This is way beyond embarrassing.  This is now a clear and present danger.  This is literally like handing your car keys over to an eight year old child because he is throwing a hissy fit.  Instead in this case, we have given him the keys to a nuclear arsenal.